Acea for World Energy Saving Day
Enterprising, innovative, dedicated, teamwork-focused people, who are continually looking to improve and to seek excellence. People who are not afraid of a challenge and who like to put themselves on the line. We need people, who are driven to be proactive, get involved and quick to learn.
We are looking for people with managerial, people and technical-operational skills to actually achieve our corporate objectives. More specifically, young qualified school-leavers (especially from technical and vocational schools), graduates and specialists in the sectors of engineering, economics, law and statistics. However, we also offer courses for other staff roles.
View job vacancies in the companies within the Acea Group or submit a spontaneous
application. Applications can be submitted in Italian.
Here are the most recent:
23 March 2022
Data Science & AI - Talent Garden
31 March 2022
Virtual Job Meeting STEM Girls
28 April 2022
Virtual Job Meeting Roma
10 May 2022
Career Day Roma - LUISS
9 June 2022
Virtual Job Meeting Engineering
Stay informed to know the upcoming Career Days with participation by Acea during 2022.
Inclusion in the Company:
“Welcome aboard”! Whoever joins the great Acea team will be immediately involved in an induction course to rapidly understand the context and our businesses and acquire the skills required to achieve results.
Keep in contact with us on Linkedin! Discover our open positions.
Discover the latest news and initiatives of the Acea Group
Acea for World Energy Saving Day
Visit the virtual museum about the history of the Acea Group
The channel for the commercial requests on land urbanisation
Acea turns the spotlight on the Rome Film Festival 2023
Acea is in the "Gold class" in the .trust research
Read more about our culture of inclusiveness