Enterprise Risk Management

As an integral part of its Internal Control and Risk Management System, the Acea Group has set up an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework, with a view to integrating the risk management process on an ongoing basis.
The aim of ERM is to guarantee an effective identification, analysis and control of the main risks to which the Acea Group, owing to the nature of its business and the strategies adopted, is potentially exposed, ensuring that the Group’s overall exposure is consistent with the Business Plan and Sustainability objectives.

The ERM Framework, which aims to enhance the integrated vision of risks and their proactive management, is intended to:

  • show the nature and relevance (probability and economic-financial and/or reputational impact) of the main risks, with implications also in terms of sustainability issues, that might compromise the achievement of the Group’s strategic and business objectives;
  • steer the response strategies and the consequent additional mitigation actions.

Find out more about our integrated strategy


The Risk Model

The Risk Model, which reflects the array of risk categories to which the Acea Group is potentially exposed, is derived from a careful analysis of both the socio-economic and business context in which the Group operates and the Business and Sustainability Plan objectives.
The Risk Model’s logic of representation provides for various risk type aggregation levels, with increasing granularity, based on the following elements:

  • Risk driver: provides an indication regarding the risk source characteristics (exogenous, endogenous or associated with the Group’s guideline activities)
  • Risk category: this groups together the risks ascribable to a specific operating procedure/corporate activity or having as common characteristic the same external risk source
  • Risk type: this concerns the aggregation of risk scenarios, of a similar nature, based on a logic of prevalence that allows the risk event to be catalogued

The methodology and tools used to identify the risks and assess their severity are developed with increasing attention to ESG aspects. During the risk assessment process, which is performed at least once per year, the risk owners, when identifying risk scenarios, also highlight the potential impacts thereof with regard to material issues for Acea.

The Acea Group risk model

The risk model

Risk management process within the Acea Group

Enterprise Risk Management is the tool used by the Board of Directors and Management, through a structured process of analysis and management as regards the risk-opportunity factors to which the company is exposed, to enhance their ability to implement strategies and achieve business objectives via the conscious undertaking of risk.

ERM comprises the following main Risk Management phases 

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Infographic about the risk management steps in Acea Group

Identify the main risk/opportunity factors

Measure risks in terms of probability and impact on business performance and objectives

Identify the risk management strategies and the counter-measures to be put in place

Monitor the trend in risk profile and the effectiveness of established responses

  1. IDENTIFY - Identify the main risk/opportunity factors.
  2. ANALYZE - Measure risks in terms of probability and impact on business performance and objectives.
  3. PRIORITIZE & RESPOND - Identify the risk management strategies and the counter-measures to be put in place.
  4. MONITOR - Monitor the trend in risk profile and the effectiveness of established responses.

Risk categories

Owing to the nature of its business, the Acea Group is potentially exposed to various categories of risk:

  • External risks: competitive-regulatory risks, risks arising from natural events and climate changes, financial market risks
  • Internal risks: operational and environmental risks specific to each business segment, Information Technology risks and risks associated with Human Resources.

For further information on all the risks and uncertainties to which the Acea Group companies are exposed, please read our 2023 Consolidated Financial Statement.

For further information on our central monitoring stations for particular risk categories, please read our  2023 Report on corporate governance and ownership structures.


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