Monte Castellone - Colle Sant'Angelo pipeline

Monte Castellone picture Monte Castellone picture Monte Castellone picture

Description and Goals

The Project is aimed at increasing the resilience and management flexibility of the water service through closing the hydraulic networks for the benefit of all the territories served in the Southeast of the ATO2 area.

The intervention involves the construction of two sections for a total length of 16.5 km:

  • the initial stretch, from the Monte Castellone divider of the N.A.S.C. (New Simbrivio Castelli Aqueduct, from the Italian acronym) to the connection with the departure of the existing DN 600 pipeline;
  • the final stretch, from the derivation from the aforementioned DN 600 pipeline along the SP Prenestina near Cave, to the Colle S. Angelo divider in the Municipality of Valmontone.

The installation of the project pipeline, which integrates with the N.A.S.C. aqueduct system, will allow an important hydraulic network to close, guaranteeing the management flexibility of the system and resilience in a critical area in relation to landslide events.

Population served
Water networks involved
Banda loghi PNRR


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