Acea for World Energy Saving Day
Top management has defined governance-related sustainability objectives, thanks to which it will be able to guide the Group towards increasing responsibility and attention to sustainability issues. We have set up governance and operational bodies and have equipped ourselves with tools that allow us to integrate sustainability into our businesses and the relationships with all our stakeholders.
This is a collegiate body and internal board committee, which assists the Board of Directors in matters concerning business ethics and environmental, social and governance issues. More specifically, the Committee encourages the integration of sustainability into corporate strategy and culture, supervises the way in which the company dialogues with its stakeholders and its pursuance of sustainability objectives, examines the guidelines, monitors implementation of the Sustainability Plan, checks compliance with the Code of Ethics, promoting a culture of diversity valorisation and inclusion within the Group and opposing all forms of discrimination.
Acea’s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee is a technical advisory body whose purpose is to steer cultural development and encourage a work environment based on diversity awareness, inclusion, equity and promotion. The Committee identifies the actions required to create an environment where group and individual differences are listened to and valorised also for the achievement of company objectives.
The aim of the Function, which reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer, is to ensure the valorisation of ESG aspects within the Acea Group, according to risk-based and compliance logics. It coordinates the Group’s sustainability planning, promotes projects and initiatives that enhance sustainability and is responsible for preparing the Sustainability Report.
Our internal regulations and management and control systems are the governance tools that ensure the correct functioning of our organisation and our pursuit of “sustainable success”, from the identification of general directives to the turning of strategic plans into concrete actions.
Our 2020 Management Systems and Sustainability Policy, sets out the company’s principles, values and commitments and is an integral part of the Management systems compliant with the ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001 standards, which we have adopted to govern aspects such as quality, environment, safety and energy pertaining to our businesses
The Policy lists the following values as fundamental elements for sustainability.
To facilitate an integrated vision of risks and their proactive management, we have continued our development of the ERM Programme based on the COSO framework “Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) – integrating with Strategy and Performance”, designed both to reveal the type and significance of the main risks, also impacting sustainability issues, that could prevent the achievement of the Group’s strategic and business objectives and to address response strategies and consequent mitigation actions where necessary.
Being aware of the new economic, social and environmental challenges, we take part in external networking initiatives and opportunities with experts, task forces, sector study and research groups consistent with the values that steer our governance. These include: Global Compact Network Italia, Sustainability Makers – the professional network (formerly CSR manager Network), Integrated Governance Index (IGI), Carbon Discoscure Project and Utilitatis.
Since 2007 Acea has been a participant in the United Nations Global Compact, the global initiative set up 20 years ago to encourage companies all over the world to develop their business in an ethical and sustainable manner. It promotes the application of ten universal principles aimed at respect for human and workers’ rights, environmental protection and the fight against corruption.
Our participation takes the form of an ongoing commitment to the pursuit of its principles, illustrating our actions and projects via annual Communication on Progress (COP) reports, which are integrated into our Sustainability Report.
Discover the latest news and initiatives of the Acea Group
Acea for World Energy Saving Day
Visit the virtual museum about the history of the Acea Group
The channel for the commercial requests on land urbanisation
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