TCFD Climate-related disclosure

For a long time now we have been dedicating special attention to the matter of climate change. With a view to informing stakeholders about our commitment in the fight against climate change we publish the Climate-related Disclosure, now in its second edition in 2022, according to the 11 recommendations of the Financial Stability Board (FSB) Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.

Acea climate-related disclosure

The document contains a description of the following:

  • Roles and responsibilities of the organisation for handling aspects pertaining to climate change (governance);
  • The strategy developed and identification, carried out via scenario analyses, of the risks and opportunities associated with climate change, indicating the related impacts and management procedures;
  • Medium/long-term emissions, metrics and objectives identified. 

4 thematic areas of the climate-related financial disclosure

4 thematic areas of the climate-related financial disclosure

Governance: Corporate governance in respect of risks and opportunities associated with climate change
Strategy: Present and future impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on business, strategy and financial planning
Risk management: Business processes for the identification, analysis and management of climate-related risks
Metrics and Targets: The metrics and targets used to analyse and manage the most significant climate-related risks and opportunities


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