It supervises the efficiency of management processes with a view to reducing the risks associated with changes in electricity and gas consumption and minimising deviations between supplies and withdrawals.

For information or to report a complaint please forward a request in writing via certified email  to:

Commercial quality standards for sales operators

Sales operators are required to observe the commercial quality standards set forth by the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment (ARERA, formerly AEEGSI), in accordance with Attachment A to Resolution no. 413/2016/R/com. Failure to comply with the specific quality standards on the part of the operator will imply payment to end users of an automatic indemnity determined by ARERA.

Listed below are the commercial quality standards and automatic indemnity payments established by the Authority with regard to 2023. During the year in question, Acea Energy Management did not receive any written request on the part of end users.

Specific standards
Cluster: multisite end customer (electricity and gas)

Specific standard Level of effective compliance
Maximum reasoned response time for complaint within 30 calendar days of receipt -
Maximum time for billing adjustment  within 60 calendar days of receipt (or 90 days in the case of four-monthly bills) -
Maximum time for double billing adjustments within 20 calendar days of receipt -

General standards
Cluster: multisite end customer (electricity and gas)

General standard  Level of effective compliance
Minimum response rate to written requests for information sent within a maximum period of 30 days 95% -

In the event of failure to meet the specific standards an automatic basic indemnity of 25 Euro will be paid. The aforesaid indemnity will increase to 50 Euro if payment takes place after more than double, but less than treble, with respect to the timeframe normatively envisaged, while it will increase to 75 Euro if payment is made after over treble the established period.

Specific standard Indennity amount
Maximum reasoned response time for written complaints  within 30 calendar days of receipt 25  Euro for responses sent after 31-60 days 50 Euro for responses sent after 61-90 days 75 Euro for responses sent after over 90 days
Maximum time for billing adjustment within 60 calendar days of receipt (or 90 days in the case of four-monthly bills) 25 Euro for responses sent after 61-120 days 50 Euro for responses sent after 121-180 days  75 Euro for responses sent after over 180 days
Maximum time for double billing adjustments within 20 calendar days of receipt 20 Euro for responses sent after 21-40 days  50 Euro for responses sent after 41-60 days  75 Euro for responses sent after over 60 days


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