Acea for World Energy Saving Day
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All Acea Ato 5 application forms for water supply in Frosinone.
Choose the type of application you wish to send to Gesesa and download the form you need.
To cancel your water supply account, complete the appropriate form. The contact details can be found on the form itself.
Download (only italian version)
For a self-declaration, complete the appropriate form. The contact details can be found on the form itself.
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To request payment by instalments, complete the appropriate form. The contact details can be found on the form itself.
Download (only italian version)
If the application is not sent by the bill payer, a signed document delegating powers of signature, a copy of the ID document of the authorised person and a copy of the bill payer's ID document must be attached to the application.
Download (only italian version)
For a name change, complete the appropriate form. The contact details can be found on the form itself.
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For a new connection, complete the appropriate form. The contact details can be found on the form itself.
Download (only italian version)
If you have already completed the water connection process, you can request the installation of the meter and sign your contract. To request a new activation, fill in the dedicated form and send it according to the instructions inside.
Download (only italian version)
For a change to personal data, complete the appropriate form. The contact details can be found on the form itself.
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To request the tariff depenalization, fill in the relevant form and send it following the instructions therein.
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To make a complaint, fill in the relevant form and submit it following the instructions therein.
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To submit the owner’s consent to changing the name on the utility contract, fill in the relevant form and submit it following the instructions therein.
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To request the amendment of a bill, fill in the relevant form and submit it following the instructions therein.
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To request a new connection for an event, fill in the relevant form and submit it following the instructions therein.
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To make a self-declaration for a new sewer connection, fill in the relevant form and submit it following the instructions therein.
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To request to pay by direct debit, fill in the relevant form and submit it following the instructions therein.
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In order to request the permanent revocation of the direct debit, please fill out the dedicated form and send it according to the instructions specified inside.
To make a personal details self-declaration regarding residency, fill in the relevant form and submit it following the instructions therein.
Download (only italian version)
To request a meter check, fill in the relevant form and submit it following the instructions therein.
Download (only italian version)
In order to declare the household composition, fill in and send the applicable form, following the procedures specified in the annex.
Form for Self-declaration of household composition (only Italian version)
Annex to the Notification of change in household composition (only Italian version)
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