Energy upgrading for businesses

We bring energy savings to your business

Acea Innovation offers dedicated energy upgrading services to businesses via EPCs, Energy Performance Contracts. 

By signing a contract with your business, we commit to work for the improvement of energy efficiency and energy recovery in your company's buildings and plants, in order to achieve significantly lower energy bills. Our EPCs include services like energy audits and the design and execution of the epc certificate ratings of the targeted building or plant. 

EPCs: Acea Innovation's formula for businesses

The Energy Performance Contract (EPC) is the agreement through which companies can save on their energy bills without incurring additional costs.  

How do EPCs work? A supplier and a beneficiary sign an energy performance contract. Under its provisions, the supplier will offer a number of services and measures for a plant or building owned by the beneficiary aimed at their energy upgrading. In return for these, the supplier receives a sum equal to the energy savings achieved by the beneficiary through the energy improvement works.  

Request a consultation on energy upgrading

Fill the form to send your query: we will contact you and together we will find the best solution.  


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