Account Information and useful documents

You can download all the documents and information on your water supply with Acea Ato 5 below.

Account Information and useful documents Account Information and useful documents Account Information and useful documents

Integrated Water Service Charter

The main principles established by the Water Service Charter are:

  • Equal, impartial treatment
  • Effectiveness and efficiency
  • Service continuity
  • Courtesy, correctness, comprehensibility, reciprocal relationship with the customer

The general standards refer to the overall services provided by Acea Ato 5 S.p.A., whereas the specific standards refer to the individual service given to the Customer, which the Customer can, therefore, check directly. Unless indicated otherwise, times are expressed in working days and are net of times not ascribable to Acea Ato 5 S.p.A. (e.g. issue of permits, strike or unrest, work by the Users).

Integrated Water Service Charter

Integrated Water Service Regulation

The Integrated Water Service Regulation (SII) contains the provisions for the distribution and supply of water, sewers and sewage treatment in Ato 5 Lazio.
You can download the Integrated Water Service Regulation (SII) with the relevant Annex in this section. The Regulation can be collected free of charge at all Acea Ato 5 branches.


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