Innovation in organic waste composting

Acea Innovation for the waste transition

Waste transition is the name of a new approach to the management of organic waste: it is distributed, advantageous and sustainable, responding to the challenging environmental sustainability goals that the European Commission set out for the recovery of materials, closing the loop of the waste cycle. 

For Acea Innovation, waste transition means promoting every kind of diffused composting.

The Acea Innovation model for organic waste treatment

SmartComp is the  IoT-driven, smart compost maker patented by Acea Innovation for centralized management of organic waste treatment. 

This service is designed for users who produce large amounts of organic waste: marketplaces, shopping malls, airports, stations, small communities, agencies and companies with a canteen service.  

Our solution enables strictly diffused composting, with no distance between the place where organic waste is produced and the location of the fully automated organic transformation process, that turns it into a new, stable and naturally hygienic resource: compost. With significant benefits for air quality, given the reduced CO2 emissions obtained by avoiding road transport and not adding organic waste to landfills.  

Installing an Acea Innovation compost maker is a measure for urban waste recycling as incentivized and featured in the calculation of the proportion of differentiated collection (Decision 2011/753/EU  establishing rules and calculation methods for verifying compliance with the targets set in Article 11(2) of Directive 2008/98/EC). 

SmartComp benefits for customers and the community

Reduced CO2 pollution levels

Road transportation of organic waste to the landfill or treatment plant is no longer needed (in the Latium area this journey can be up to 600km). 

Support for the green revolution

Kick-starting a virtuous circle of knowledge and awareness of the circular economy: citizens and users learn greener and more sustainable behaviors. 

Saving on local tax

When you choose to compost locally, local Waste Tax are on average 30% lower, based on cities' regulations.   

Save on fertilizers

Compost is a natural alternative to fertilizers for green areas: it enriches the soil with organic matter. 


Better differentiated collection

Differentiating becomes even simpler, as there will be less and less basic waste. 

Our partners

We work with established scientific partners, such as University of Tuscia, Enea and Acea Elabori. We employ the scientific partnership of the Agricultural Innovation Department (Dipartimento per l’Innovazione nei sistemi Biologici, Agroalimentari e Forestali - DIBAF) of the University of Tuscia for analysis and quality control of the composted soil improvers. We work with Enea for the development of the sensors installed in the SmartComp industrial-grade compost maker to monitor compost parameters in real time. Acea Elabori is our technology partner for SmartComp engineering.


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