Water Bonus

As of 2018, all customers suffering financial hardship can apply for the following two types of Water Bonus discount.

Water Bonus Water Bonus Water Bonus

What is Water Bonus?

With Resolution No.897/2017 and subsequent resolution No.227/2018, available at,  the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment (ARERA) (formerly known as AEEGSI) established the Social Water Bonus in Italy.

This Bonus allows users in economic hardship to benefit from a reduction on the tariff concerning the water service for domestic use, in line with the provisions set forth in the Prime Ministerial Decree (DPCM) of 13 October 2016 "Tariffa sociale del SII" (Social Tariff of the Integrated Water Service).

According to Legislative Decree No. 124 of 26 October 2019, converted with modifications by Law No. 157 of 19 December 2019, from 1st January 2021 all social bonuses for economic hardship will be automatically recognised, with no need to submit a special application.

As of this date, any applications submitted to Municipalities and/or CAFs (Tax Advice Centres) will not be accepted and will in any case not be valid to access the benefit.

Who is entitled?

To be eligible for the bonus for economic hardship, one of the following requirements must be met. Users should belong to:

  • a household with an ISEE (Equivalent Economic State Indicator) not exceeding € 9,530 (this value was updated by ARERA resolution No.13/2023, available at the following page: .  For the years 2021 and 2022, the ISEE threshold was set to € 8,265);
  • a household of at least 4 dependent children (large family) and ISEE indicator not exceeding € 20,000;
  • a household with citizens' income or citizens' pension.

Moreover, one member of the ISEE household must be the holder of an active water supply contract with tariff for domestic use, or have an active condominium water supply.

Each household is only eligible for one bonus per year

How to get the Water Bonus?

As of 1st January 2021, users are not required to apply at Municipalities/CAF to get the bonus for economic hardship.

From 2021, the only thing users have to do is to submit their Single-Self Declaration (DSU) to obtain the ISEE certificate for different welfare benefits.

If the household meets the requirements which give entitlement to the bonus, the Italian National Institute for Social Security (INPS), will send the required data - in compliance with privacy regulations - to the Integrated Information System (SII) managed by Acquirente Unico. The company will cross-reference the data received with those related to water supply, enabling the automatic payment of the bonus to those entitled to it.


What benefits can be obtained?

If the user meets the requirements for the bonus, s/he will be able to benefit from a bill reduction of 18,25 m3 per year, which is equal to 50 litres a day for each household member. Such amount has been determined as the minimum necessary to ensure the satisfaction of basic needs. The bonus will ensure, for example, that a family of 4 will not to have to pay for 73 cubic metres/year.

How will the automatic payment of the Water Bonus take place?

The procedures for automatic payment of the benefits are being defined, and will be subject to special provisions by the competent administrations.

Regardless of the time required to implement the necessary IT systems, the 2021 and 2022 bonus will be in any case recognised - in form of any bonus amount already accrued - to those entitled to it for the period of the benefit.

As indicated by ARERA, "The process for the recognition of the water social bonus required further investigations and fulfilments, particularly related to compliance with privacy policy." As a result, the 2021 and 2022 bonus will be recognised to those eligible, according to the ARERA Resolution No. 651/2022, available at 

Please note that Gesesa has already completed the privacy obligations for which the Manager is responsible, before receiving the data from the SII. 


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