Acea for World Energy Saving Day
On 1st April, Acea Distribuzione, the company in the Acea Group which manages the mains network for Rome and Formello, plans and carries out interventions to upgrade and extend the infrastructures, became Areti. The law dictates separate identities and trademarks to distinguish energy producing and energy distribution companies.
Green Wires and Tablets in the foreground, campaign on air from 28 July
The communications campaign will go on air from 28 July and will include the press, bill-posting, maxi bill-posting, radio and website displays. It aims to reach all Areti residents to let them know that, although the name has changed, everything else remains the same. The concept: “Acea Distribuzione becomes Areti. Energy, technology and innovation always at your service under a new name from today." The campaign centres on two objects: the first is Green Wires, with a technician in the foreground at work amongst the wires. The idea is to reassure people that despite the name change, our professionalism and skills remain unchanged. The second is a Tablet in the foreground, with a technician using a tablet. The campaign not only reassures, it also pinpoints the technologies to highlight that like Acea Distribuzione, Areti focuses on innovation.
Discover the latest news and initiatives of the Acea Group
Acea for World Energy Saving Day
Visit the virtual museum about the history of the Acea Group
The channel for the commercial requests on land urbanisation
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