Our stakeholders


Our relationship with the Institutions is a fundamental aspect of our business, bearing in mind that we provide essential public services throughout the territory, the majority of which are subject to regulation.


In the world of multi-utilitities, we stand out for the human and relation aspect of our services.  We organise specific initiatives to involve our staff and encourage them to work to the best of their ability with a view to creating  first and foremost a solid company culture.


We wish to assure our customers regarding the social and environmental sustainability of our supply chain. With this in mind, we talk to our suppliers help them to become increasingly more sustainable.


We operate in businesses closely linked to natural resources, which have significant impacts on the environment. We are constantly committed to sustainable management of our industrial processes from the offtake of resources to their transformation and return to the ecological cycle.


As an infrastructure company, we ensure citizens receive essential services. Driven by this awareness we are committed to becoming a reliable and top quality partner, capable of responding to our customers’ needs.

Shareholders and financial backers

Relationships with the economic and financial world are important for enhancing our strengths and creating opportunities for growth.

Local communities and the territory

We want to grow alongside the territory generating the best infrastructural conditions in terms of safety and efficiency, which are the foundations for developing the local community and valorising the monumental heritage via the creation of culture.


When carrying out our work, our guiding principle is to be a sustainable and forward-looking business.


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