Comunicati Stampa

The project, involving 300 students from 4 regions, aims at providing young students with training and orientation towards sustainability and the jobs of the future

The winners of the 2024 edition of “Generation for Transition - Climate and Energy”, Acea Group's school-work alternation project, have been announced today. The final event of the PCTO (Pathway for transversal skills and orientation) involved 300 students and 11 technical and high schools in Lazio, Tuscany, Umbria and Campania.

The pathway is dedicated to the training and orientation of young students towards the job market. It was born from a collaboration with the ELIS Consortium, in continuity with the previous programmes ("Digital Generation and "2030 Generation"), and has reached its 7th edition. This year, the initiative was also extended to the children of the Group's employees.

The project allowed young students to learn first-hand about the Group Companies operating in different areas and their activities. The students participated in two days of work, during which they were supported by Acea Group staff to develop a project work on energy transition. As part of the hackathon, the students had the opportunity to address real challenges and problems adopting project management methods. In the end, 5 project ideas reached the final stage:

  • Liceo Francesco d’Assisi in Rome with the Schema Ponzi team and the project: "Awareness programme through school activities focused on sustainability"
  • IIS Marconi in Nocera Inferiore with the Cognac Energy team and the project: "Rainwater reuse system with a view to developing a hydro-energy community"
  • IIS Giorgi Woolf in Roma with the      Onde di potenza team and the project: "Producing green energy from tidal force using underwater turbines and buoys"
  • ITI Volta in Perugia with the     B.O.W. team and the project: “Reusing production waste to transform a purification plant into a green oasis”
  • Acea staff's children, who formed the Green Team with the project "Spreading a lifestyle dedicated to raising awareness for a more sustainable culture"

The technical team, comprising experts from the Acea Group and the Elis Consortium, selected the Marconi school project as the best in terms of innovation and feasibility. All students received a participation certificate, while the members of the winning team received an Amazon gift card and a copy of the Acea Group's Sustainability Report.

This initiative is in line with Acea's Corporate Social Responsibility policies, aimed at educating new generations on issues such as Energy Transition, which involves the Group in different areas, to develop a community that is more aware and focused on environmental resources.


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