Comunicati Stampa

Acea has activated the new channel dedicated to commercial requests for the urbanization of the territory. The service is aimed at companies, consortia and institutions involved in the construction of new major works, such as housing complexes and city infrastructure, the completion of which often requires the execution of complex operations by the companies providing the utility services.
The channel is managed with a model shared between Acea Ato 2, the company that manages the water service in Rome and the Metropolitan City, and Areti, which manages the electricity distribution network in the Capital, to intercept all the procedures in a single point of contact, speed up and standardize its management.

As for the electricity works, the operations that can be managed through the new channel include requests for passive and active connections from renewable sources for new urbanizations and subdivisions, as well as the relocation of Areti's plants. As for water service works, requests for connection to the water and sewerage network for new urbanizations and subdivisions, as well as connection practices for public uses and complex utilities.

To access the service, you can contact the single toll-free number 800.001.952, active from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 19:00 and on Saturdays from 8:00 to 13:00, or you can send a certified email to:

  • for requests relating to the water and sewerage service.
  • for requests relating to the electricity grid.

To facilitate awareness of the new service, Acea will organize promotional meetings aimed at the companies and institutions directly interested. 


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