Press Release

Today, Acea signed an agreement with the trade unions Filctem-CGIL, Flaei-CISL, Uiltec-UIL and Cisal Federenergia, UGL Chimici Energia, USB Lavoro Privato, Associazione Capi Intermediate e Quadri. This agreement standardises the working hours of personnel employed by the company with the adoption of an effective working time of 38 hours per week, instead of 38 hours and 30 minutes, without any absorption of the ex-holiday leave provided for by the Gas and Water Italian Collective Labour Agreement (CCNL). Due to the agreement reached today, as of 1 January 2024, personnel will see an increase in the annual days dedicated to rest.

The objective is to promote a new qualitative conception of work, based on the centrality of the person, on the empowerment and co-participation of individuals towards the achievement of company objectives, in a perspective of trust and enhancement of work-life balance needs. The socially relevant measure anticipates and responds to the changes taking place in the world of work, with a strong focus on ESG issues. It proposes an improving solution to the current Gas and Water CCNL to the benefit of the needs of individuals, while increasing organisational well-being, without affecting productivity.

The agreement represents a further step in the implementation of the "People and Participation Charter", which has already led to the internalisation of some activities within Acea and the signing of a Protocol for qualitative procurement management.


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