Press Releases

Acea, the leading water operator in Italy, with over 9 million inhabitants served in Lazio, Tuscany, Umbria, Molise, and Campania, will join tomorrow, 22 March, the 30th World Water Day with various initiatives in the territories where the company operates and with a nationwide awareness campaign for a conscious use of water and the protection of the water resource.

The presentation of the project 'Itinerari turistici alla scoperta delle acque d’Italia' (Itineraries to discover the waters of Italy) planned for tomorrow in Rieti is one of the initiatives aimed at combining scientific, economic, and cultural issues concerning water. To carry out this initiative in collaboration with the 'GecoAgri LandItaly Interuniversity Research Group' and the Diocese of Rieti, Acea, together with Acea Ato 2, has chosen the city which hosts one of the largest springs in Europe, the Peschiera-Le Capore, primary water supplier for Rome, the municipalities of its metropolitan area and the areas of Rieti and lower Sabina. In Rieti and its area, ACEA has created some tourist routes linked by 10 interactive totems which create a sort of multimedia diffused museum illustrating the water world in an innovative way. Browsing these totems, it is possible to connect to the MIA - Acea Immersive Museum, (available at, a digital portal dedicated to the more than 110-year history of the Group, where it is possible to embark on a virtual tour of water routes in 3D technology: from the springs to the aqueducts, until the tap at home. In this new section of the MIA, entirely dedicated to water resources and the Rieti area, water is at the centre of a project involving museums, landscape, and culture.

The commitment of ACEA to a greater protection and efficient management of water resources is proved by the investments the Group is constantly making. For the year 2024, the Business Plan envisages 2.2 billion euro in investments for water business, almost a half of the total anticipated in the plan, corresponding to 4.7 billion euro. Of these, 168 million euro are dedicated exclusively to projects for innovating the water area and mainly concern the infrastructure and the network management.

'Water – said Giuseppe Gola, CEO of the Acea Group - is a valuable resource and a unique natural heritage. To celebrate the World Water Day means shedding the light upon an issue which involves all of us, and it is an occasion to promote a reasonable water consumption with a view to sustainable development. We must keep in mind that whatever we do, even the simplest thing, can be fundamental to reduce waste. Only through a virtuous behaviour we could tackle climate change efficiently. For this reason, we need to strengthen this consciousness: all the other initiatives planned by our Group for this significant day go exactly straight to this point'.

In fact - on the occasion of the World Water Day - a series of events and initiatives will take place in all territories managed by the water companies of the Group, to support the awareness campaign and to help spreading a new water culture. In south Tuscany, Acquedotto del Fiora has launched a project named 'Storie di acqua' ('Water stories') insisting on the citizens’ active participation while Acque is presenting the children’s book 'La via delle Acque' in some schools in Pisa. Geal is inaugurating a Water House in Lucca. In Florence, Publiacqua is going to promote an event for schools and Nuove Acque, operating in Arezzo e Siena, has joined the project 'Ripuliamo il mondo' (Let’s clean up the World), an initiative promoted by Legambiente and dedicated to the Arno river. In Umbria, SII Terni will record an emotional video on water resource issues, while Umbra Acque will organise a round table, 'Umbria i giardini dell’acqua' (Umbria, the water gardens), and a photographic exhibition in collaboration with the University for Foreigners of Perugia. In Frosinone, Lazio, Acea Ato 5 has planned a meeting with students on the water cycle and sustainability issues, which will be followed by the distribution of water bottles to the participants. In Benevento, Campania, Gesesa is organising a 'Plastic Free Tour' and the inauguration of three Water Houses while Gori, in Ercolano, is opening the project 'Gori Educational' and the exhibition entitled 'Gocce d’Acqua' (Water drops).


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