Acea Ato 2 has started work on the “Lasco del Falegname” basin that serves as a reservoir for the Mignone Aqueduct, which provides most of the drinking water to the Municipality of Civitavecchia, especially during the summer.
This is the last step of a series of important projects started in June 2019 and involving the water purification plant in “Montanciano”, which when Acea Ato 2 took over was in dire conditions in terms of operations – 90% of the water purification compartments were not working – as well as from a infrastructural safety point of view. Acea Ato 2, in collaboration with Civitavecchia’s local authorities started a renovation project involving the entire plant, consisting in modernizing the sludge sedimentation and processing compartments and disinfecting the systems with sodium hypochlorite and sodium oxide, to ensure a better quality of the water.
On 13 July, after receiving the authorizations to carry out the extraordinary maintenance project on “Lasco del Falegname”, work started on the bypass required to empty the plant. Over the next few weeks, the basin will be emptied completely, allowing the removal of around 40,000 cubic meters of sediment.
The work will have a significant impact on water quantity and quality: when Acea Ato 2 took over, the plant had a capacity of approximately 25 l/s; once the work is completed, including the emptying of the Mignone river bed where the structure is located, capacity will increae to 120 l/s.
The mayor of Civitavecchia Ernesto Tedesco explains: “In particularly complex areas like ours, collaboration is an extremely important factor. And this is exactly what the Municipal Administration has done – thanks to Councilor Giancarlo Frascarelli – by working closely with Acea and Regione Lazio to deliver an ambitious project like the work at Lasco del Falegname. So, I want to thank Acea, for taking on and already completing most of this extraordinary project, and the Town Offices and our Town Councilor for their constant dedication. All inspired by the belief that water is an essential resource and water services have a direct and significant impact on the quality of life of a community”.
The president of Acea Ato 2, Claudio Cosentino, said: “We are working hard for Civitavecchia and focusing in particular on modernizing plants, especially the water purification plant in Montanciano. We have reached a point that allows us to clean the plant during the summer, and once the work is completed, it will operate at full capacity. We are very pleased because it is a very important project for the community, and there will be more, in collaboration with the local authorities”.
Councilor Frascarelli added: “The movement of the first machines removing the sludge in Lasco del Falegname will mark an historic moment for our citizens who for fifty years have been looking forward to Civitavecchia having back its reservoir. Any politician working in close contact with its constituency, wants to see their work to provide water services to families recognized and appreciated. The local administration will continue its work, as Mayor Tedesco mentioned, collaborating with the water provider to ensure the best service possible”.
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