
Acea is partner of the 52nd edition of Giffoni Film Festival - to be held from 21 to 30 July - with 'La forma dell’acqua' (The shape of water). This collaboration was intended to make young people aware of the protection of water resources with a view to saving and reducing waste, for an increasingly sustainable future.

Acea’s 'La Forma dell’Acqua': a challenge for a conscious use of water resources

Young people aged 13 to 28 were involved in a survey to measure their awareness on water consumption and waste through the Waidy Wow App. The first 250 users to download the app receive a free Waidy Wow water bottle.

Download the Waidy Wow App

Treasure Hunt: the second Waidy Wow challenge

A Treasure Hunt of existing water points in the areas surrounding the Giffoni Film Festival – including the cities of Salerno, Naples and Benevento – was organised from 22 to 27 July to emphasize the value of water resources in the area. Participants in the event - already registered for the challenge - are also invited to provide anecdotes, trivia and photos of the water points for such contents to be integrated into the Waidy Wow App.

Masterclass Giffoni Impact: water sustainability and conscious growth

The day of 29 July is dedicated to the Masterclass Giffoni Impact 'Sostenibilità Idrica e Crescita Consapevole'  (Water sustainability and conscious growth) with the participation of  top management of Acea, Gori and Gesesa. During the masterclass, the companies and Waidy Wow will present their business and case histories related to the issue of sustainability.


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