Acea Ambiente S.r.l., a subsidiary of Acea S.p.A, has submitted within today’s deadline (12.00 p.m. of May 18, 2024) - after having obtained the authorisation of the Board of Directors of the parent company and the favourable opinion of the Related Party Transactions Committee of the same in relation to a transaction of greater importance (for which the information document pursuant to Article 5 of Consob Regulation No. 17221/2010 shall be made available to the public within the terms of Law) - a bid related to the call for tenders published by Roma Capitale for the assignment of the plant engineering hub concession concerning the design, authorisation for operation, construction and management of a waste-to-energy plant and related satellite facilities.
Acea Ambiente submitted the bid together with important national and international partners such as Hitachi Zosen Inova AG, Vianini Lavori S.p.A., Suez Italy S.p.A. and RMB S.p.A.
This initiative undoubtedly represents an opportunity for the Acea group to consolidate its position as a national player in the high-tech environmental sector and, in particular, to strengthen its leadership in the sector in Central Italy.
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