Press Release

Acea wishes to announce that, on the evening of 27 June, Mr Giovanni Giani tendered his resignation from the Board of Directors, effective immediately. Mr Giani was appointed on the list presented by the shareholder Suez during the Shareholders’ Meeting of 29 May 2020. The decision to resign is motivated by other professional commitments.
Giovanni Giani, non-executive and non-independent Director, is Chairman of the Committee for the Region as well as a member of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, of the Control and Risks Committee and of the Ethics and Sustainability Committee. As of today, Mr Giani does not hold Acea shares.
The Chairperson and the Chief Executive Officer, on behalf of the entire Board of Directors, wish to thank Mr Giani for the significant contribution he has made in recent years in terms of industrial and managerial vision as well as for the professionalism and dedication shown to the Company and its Board of Directors.
During a forthcoming meeting, Acea's Board of Directors will make any necessary decisions arising from this decision.


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