Please note the publication of the first Green Bond Allocation & Impact Report for the years 2019 and 2020, related to the Euro 900 million green bond issuance within the Euro 5 billion EMTN program, divided in two tranches, the first of which equal to Euro 300 million, coupon 0% and maturity in 2025, and the second equal to Euro 600 million, coupon 0,25% and maturity in 2030, issued according to the Acea Group Green Financing Framework aimed at financing projects related to the protection of the water resource, energy efficiency, the development of a circular economy and the increase of production of renewable energy. The document is available to the public at Acea’s registered office in Rome, on the website (section “Investors” – Financial Structure) and on the authorised stocking mechanism 1info, through the following address .
The Green Bond Allocation & Impact Report refers to the Acea S.p.A undertaking of disclosing annually its use of proceeds coming from the abovementioned bond issuance, which were allocated for more than 50% to refinance projects realised throughout the years 2019 and 2020. It is expected during the current year the publication of a second Green Bond Allocation & Impact Report covering the allocation occurred during 2021.
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