Press Release

Results for First Half 2020 show an upward trend
Growth in investments above all as regards regulated businesses
Standard Ethics raises Acea’s sustainability rating Outlook from “Stable” to “Positive”

  • EBITDA €569 million (+13% compared to 1H 2019)
  • EBIT €277 million (+7% compared to 1H 2019)
  • Group net profit €144 million (+1% compared to 1H 2019)
  • Investments €411 million (+20% compared to 1H 2019)
  • Net debt €3,528 million (€3,063 million at 31 December 2019)

Upward revision of EBITDA guidance:
over 8% growth in EBITDA compared to 2019;
investments confirmed basically in line with 2019 and with the 2019-2022 Business

net debt, at the end of 2020, confirmed between 3.45 billion Euro and 3.55 billion

The Board of Directors of Acea, chaired by Michaela Castelli, has approved the Half-Year Financial Report for the six months ended 30 June 2020.

To read more download the attached pdf.


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