Acquisition completed of four plants with total capacity of approximately 145 thousand tonnes/year
Acea has today finalised an agreement regarding the acquisition of a 60% equity stake respectively in the companies Ferrocart S.r.l. and Cavallari S.r.l. (which owns 100% of Multigreen S.r.l.), active in the storage, treatment and selection of waste.
The companies Ferrocart, Cavallari and Multigreen, which together own four plants with a total authorised capacity of more than 145 thousand tonnes per year, operate in the provinces of Terni and Ancona, performing activities pertaining to the selection and recovery of paper, iron, wood, plastic and metals. They are also active in the management of differentiated production and packaging refuse collection as well as the disposal of waste, mostly on behalf of Corepla (“National Consortium for the Collection, Recycling and Recovery of Plastic Packages”).
The economic value of the transaction, in terms of enterprise value for 100% of the two companies, amounts to around 25 million Euro.
The companies will be fully consolidated by Acea, with an expected annual contribution to EBITDA of approximately 4.5 million Euro.
For Acea, this transaction marks a major step forward as regards its infrastructural development path in the waste treatment sector and a further investment in the circular economy, in keeping with the expectations set forth in the 2019-2022 Business Plan and with our sustainability targets.
In this project, Bain acted as strategic advisor and the firm Grimaldi as legal advisor.
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