Acea Group results:
· Consolidated revenue: 827.9 million euros (845.4 million euros in Q1 2010)
· EBITDA: 141.4 million euros (152.9 million euros in Q1 2010)
· EBIT: 64.3 million euros (86.1 million euros in Q1 2010)
· Net profit from continuing operations: 35.1 million euros (40.7 million euros in Q1 2010)
· 1Group net profit: 70.3 million euros (38.8 million euros in Q1 2010)
Rome, 11 May 2011 – The Board of Directors of ACEA SpA, chaired by Giancarlo Cremonesi, has approved the quarterly report for the three months ended 31 March 2011 (Q1 2011).
During Q1 2011 the Group continued with intensive efforts to boost operational efficiency across all its businesses, enabling it to achieve results that are fully in line with the objectives set out in the Business Plan presented in December 2010.
It should be noted that the various components of the income statement and statement of financial position are influenced by the different method of consolidating Acquedotto del Fiora (the company that manages integrated water services in the ATO 6 Siena-Grosseto concession area). The financial position also reflects the impact of the unwinding of the joint venture with
GdF Suez Energia Italia.
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