Press Release

Acea Molise, Termoli's integrated water service operator, has lowered the level of water losses from 35% in 2021 to 24% in 2023

In 2023, Acea Molise reduced the percentage of water losses to 24.4%. Compared to 35.2% in 2021, this is about eleven points lower. In fact, this is well below both the regional average for Molise, which is 55%, and the national average, which stands at 42.4%. These water data of the Termolian aqueduct network were released in the annual reporting to Arera, the Regulatory Authority for Energy Networks and Environment.

“These data confirm that the investments we have allocated to the network, together with the timely planning, have allowed us to achieve the challenging and ambitious goals we had set”, said Maria Grazia Costa, Acea Molise President. “Today, the water network of the municipality of Termoli is much more efficient, in terms of losses, than regional and national context.”

Furthermore, in collaboration with the Acea Group's Digital & Information Technology area, Acea Molise has launched a pilot project that will use the potential of IoT and artificial intelligence to apply a predictive maintenance model to the water network. In this way, a service with even higher efficiency standards will be provided, making the Company one of the most virtuous examples nationwide.

The company manages 272 kilometers of water network, supplies 19,200 users, distributes 3.5 million cubic meters of water per year in an area of 55 square kilometers, to a population of 32,000 inhabitants that during the summer exceeds 120,000.

Reducing the amount of water used is one of the main objectives that the Acea Group pursues in all the sectors in which it operates, also by using innovative technologies, in order to conserve resources and ensure environmental sustainability.


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