Comunicati Stampa

The plant is to be constructed inland, while the existing port facility will be converted. The entire project, costing €11.9 million, will be completed by Acea Infrastructure

project was presented today in Termoli to relocate the port purification plant. This will be followed by the construction of a new facility in the inland area of Pantano and the conversion of the existing one.

Halfway between the two plants, in the municipal park Girolamo La Penna, works have already been implemented to upgrade the intermediate wastewater pumping station, which will be soon in operation.

Among those present were mayor of Termoli Vincenzo Ferrazzano, Councilor for Public Works of the Molise Region Michele Marone, and Maria Grazia Costa, Chairperson of Acea Molise, the company of Acea Group responsible for managing the integrated water service in the Termoli area.

The entire project, costing €11.9 million, will be completed in the space of two and a half years by

Acea Infrastructure, the design and engineering services company of Acea Group.

The new facility will be built on the site of the existing one in the Pantano area, which will be extended, upgraded and equipped with a double, active sludge purification plant. Continuous monitoring will be performed using IoT technology, while the efficiency of processes will be ensured by the support of artificial intelligence. The new work is essential to enhance the area and prevent service outages caused by extreme weather events (storm surges, flooding, waterspouts), which frequently damaged the port's plant in the past.

The relocation of this plant - which is insufficient to meet the needs of the community and built with obsolete technologies - will focus on the conversion of a part of the facility into a wastewater pumping station to be connected to the new plant in the Pantano area. These interventions, signing the actual launch of the project, will began in the first weeks of June.

"This is an important and crucial project which looks forward to the future of the area and community we work for, in a spirit of constant and fruitful collaboration with local administrations, - said Chairperson of Acea Molise Maria Grazia Costa. "The new purification plant will be even more efficient and will contribute to the improvement of the quality of water fed back into the marine environment, as well as to the development of a tourist and seaside city such as Termoli, which has already been awarded with a Blue Flag twice. The project as a whole also demonstrates the company's commitment to meet the needs of the citizens and exemplifies the strategy of innovation and sustainability that Acea Group is implementing across all areas where it manages the water service.


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