Press Release

The efficiency of the integrated water service in the Sannita territory is one of the objectives on which Gesesa continues to work to reduce the waste of water resources and in the perspective of sustainable management. Gesesa's project proposal for four of the municipalities in which it manages the integrated water service, namely, Castelpagano, Foglianise, Morcone and Telese Terme, was oriented in this direction.

The investment focused on upgrading existing management systems with more innovative and efficient structures, aiming at a circular economy.

For the municipality of Castelpagano, the object of the work was the replacement of sections of urban water network pipes in the quarters of Conca d'Oro and Sciumara. The aim was to replace the sections of the local water network's outdated and poorly functioning pipes to improve the hydraulic efficiency of the infrastructure and drastically reduce water waste in the affected areas.

For the municipality of Foglianise, the intervention concerned the replacement of several sections of water pipeline. The aim, again, was to optimize the operation of the local water supply network, reducing leaks to a minimum. The branches of pipeline to be replaced were determined based on observations of historical data on the number of water leaks found in the municipal distribution network. The new pipelines are all in polyethylene HDPE PFA 25 and nominal diameters ranging from 32 to 63 mm for a total of 2,700 m, including the remaking of existing connections to users.

In Morcone, historically, from August to December, the endogenous sources that supply the municipal water network show a severe decline in the production of water resources, which is very often insufficient to meet the demand of users (especially those living in the town's historical center), and for this reason Gesesa has been forced to operate hourly shifts of the water service for the entire period mentioned above. It was precisely because of the critical issues mentioned above that it became essential to find a new source to be activated during the critical seasonal period to fill the gap between user demand and available water volumes. The work in question, for which Gesesa also directly supervised the design and works management phase, therefore consisted in the construction of a new well (100 m deep) located at Piana (Ponte Stretto), to be activated mainly during the critical period (August-December) with adjustable pumping configurations according to the different supply requirements.  This enables a maximum flow rate of approximately 5 liters per second.

For Telese Terme the work carried out resulted in the replacement of sections of the urban water pipes in the main roads running through the thermal municipality: Via Lago, Via Casino Brizio and Via Lamparelli, all including the remaking of existing connections to users and for a total of 700 meters.

Again, the aim was to replace the sections of the local water network's outdated and poorly functioning pipes to improve the hydraulic efficiency of the infrastructure and drastically reduce water waste in the affected areas.

At the end of this list, Gesesa would like to thank the Mayors and Municipal Administrations involved with their Technical Offices for their active cooperation, which made it possible to complete the interventions within the deadline of 31 December 2023.


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