A dedicated section on the Group's website: major waterworks, water network efficiency and circular economy
Is now online on Acea's website a special NRRP section dedicated to water infrastructure and major construction sites to be built by the Group in the coming months using funds from the Recovery and Resilience Plan. Acea Ato 2 has obtained funding from the NRRP of about 227 million euros, over the period 2021-2026, for the implementation of several strategic interventions involving adduction and distribution networks, resource recovery (water losses) and sewerage and purification services. The interventions to be carried out also include several modernisation works falling under the Peschiera aqueduct system.
The new dedicated web page will provide all the information on Acea's projects, a kind of compass to orient oneself among the various planned interventions and to understand how the funding obtained through the PNRR is being deployed. The section on Acea Ato 2 projects is divided into three areas:
The dedicated section is available at the link https://www.gruppo.acea.it/en/innovation/nrrp-for-acea-large-works.
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