Comunicati Stampa

In collaboration with the industrial group and Fisdir, Ternis sport club promotes scholarships and sport courses dedicated to girls and boys with autism or Down syndrome

The press conference of the Asd Pink Basket, the Terni women's basketball team which for the third consecutive year will play in the national Serie B (2nd Division), took place today in Terni, at the Casagrande Hotel School. The president of the team Massimiliano Porcu, the coach Francesco Piermarini, and the councilor for sports of the municipality of Terni, Marco Schenardi, attended the press conference, as well as the provincial representative of CONI Fabio Moscatelli and Tiziana Buonfiglio, CEO of ASM, a subsidiary company of the Acea Group and official sponsor of the team.

On this occasion, the new team was announced, made up of seventeen very young athletes, born between 2004 and 2007, of different nationalities - Italian, Argentinian, African, one Latvian and one Ukrainian: Camila Berardi, Ahnelina Bondziukh, Margerita Burini, Alessandra Falbo, Emma Fausti, Sofia Anastasia Gadeyne, Agnese Giogli, Eleonora Maglio, Alessia Margaritelli, Clizia Montecchiani, Maria Teresa Paluello, Mariya Samoylych, Ginevra Testasecca, Caterina Tirinzi, Monika Vapne, Nyariak Madhieu Ajith Deng, Maty Laye Diagne, Funmilayo Adenike Adeoye.

In addition to the new lineup, Asd Pink Basket announced a number of projects in which sports are the tool to create social development initiatives, made possible also thanks to the Acea Groups support which, with its 9 million inhabitants served, is Italys number one player in the water sector. In fact, the Company wanted to concretely demonstrate its closeness to the Umbrian community and its vocation to developing initiatives which, through sport, can contribute to the growth of the region.

L’associazione cestistica ha già avviato il "Progetto Inclusion", sostenuto da SII, società partecipata del Gruppo Acea, che prevede la creazione di borse di studio per le atlete straniere, che potranno studiare e giocare a basket a Terni e avvalersi di un sussidio che aprirà loro le porte delle scuole americane e del campionato Ncaa dei college.

In collaboration with Fisdir (the Italian federation of paralympic sports for people with intellectual-relational disabilities), there will also be sport courses dedicated to boys and girls with Down syndrome.

"For us and the city we represent – stated the Asd Pink Basket president, Massimiliano Porcu - it is important to always achieve ambitious goals. In order to do that, we need to grow as club, team, and as people. This year, our challenge will be to pursue our competitive mission, playing in all the national federal youth championships, as well as our social project, promoting an initiative with the support of the Acea Group. Our mission is in fact based on the willingness to work on our area, establishing at the same time sports and social goals".

"Pink Basket - stated Tiziana Buonfiglio, CEO of ASM Terni, a subsidiary company of the Acea Group - represents an important sport project that expresses the deepest and most authentic values of an area to which the Acea Group feels to belong. This partnership also offers us the opportunity to support a basketball team which is not just that, but also and above all a reality able to combine sport and solidarity, competitive spirit and social commitment. In fact, being active in the area does not only mean guaranteeing an efficient service, but also taking root in the community by supporting initiatives and projects that can contribute to development and inclusion".


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