Press Releases

Four events – in presence after two years – to celebrate the water resource. As every year, Gesesa celebrates the World Water Day organising four events for students in which water is the key player.

The theme selected this year by the United Nations is 'Groundwater – making visible the invisible'. 'Far from our sight, beneath our feet, groundwater is a hidden treasure enriching our lives. Almost all the fresh water is underground. As climate change worsens, the state of the groundwater is becoming more and more critical. We must work together to manage in a sustainable way this valuable resource.'

The Gesesa Tour – focusing on this theme – will start on Tuesday and will be completed over the next weeks.
The programme can be summarised as follows:
Tuesday, 22 March - 09.00 a.m. The tour starts at the Bilingual Primary School in Benevento, with the delivery of the first comic book on water saving at the end of a school-work alternation project. Designed for Gesesa by the students of two schools in the city, the Liceo Classico P. Giannone for the textual part and the Liceo Artistico Virgilio for the graphic part, it will be delivered to all the Comprehensive Institutes in Benevento and of the other municipalities served by the company. Following, the video 'L’agenda sostenibile 2021 Acea' (2021 Acea’s Diary of sustainability) will be shown on the occasion of the World Water Day. Among the speakers: Giuseppe Ciampa, Headmaster; Clemente Mastella, Mayor of the city of Benevento; Maria Carmela Serluca, Assessor for Education; Alessandro Rosa, Assessor for the environment; Domenico Russo, President of Gesesa and the CEO of Gesesa Salvatore Rubbo.

Gesesa will then move from Benevento to the Telesina Valley, in particular to the municipalities of Frasso Telesino and Telese Terme.
10.30 a.m. Delivery of water bottles to the students of the Istituto Comprensivo Leonardo Da Vinci Limatola plexus of Frasso Telesino.
11.30 a.m. Delivery of the bottles at the Istituto Comprensivo of Telese Terme and the Baby Club private school, followed by the inauguration of the three public drinking fountains installed in the thermal town in the following areas: via Circumvallazione, Piazza della Civiltà Sannita, Pista Ciclabile (cycle lane).
5.00 p.m. at Sala Goccioloni delle Terme: conference organised by the Municipality of Telese Terme, entitled 'Acque sotterranee: rendere Visibile l'Invisibile'. Speaker Salvatore Rubbo, CEO of Gesesa.


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