The goal of the programme, involving about 300 students in 4 regions, is to convey the importance of sustainability and inclusion values
This year again, the Acea Group is launching a programme for transversal skills and orientation (former school-work alternation). In fact, today the new format "GenerAzione Connessa", dedicated to training and orienting young people towards the world of work starts from three schools in Tuscany - the IIS Ferraris-Brunelleschi of Empoli, the IIS Tito Sarrocchi of Siena and the scientific and technical professional pole Fermi-Giorgi of Lucca.
The programme, created in collaboration with ELIS Consortium in continuity with "La Scuola che vorrei" and "GenerAzione Digitale", aims to bring young people closer to the issues of sustainability and the protection of the environment, diversity and inclusion, inviting us to think about the contribution that innovation can offer for the protection of natural resources. About 300 students will be involved from 10 technical-professional institutes and also, for the first time, from 5 high schools, from Lazio, Umbria, Campania and Tuscany.
Participants will be guided throughout the project by the Acea Sustainability Ambassadors, promoters of the culture of sustainability and the circular economy, who will be entrusted with the task of accompanying young people in the discovery of these issues. The students will also meet Acea STEM women who, through the story of their professional and life career, will testify how important it is not to be influenced by gender stereotypes in the training and professional choices, so that the opportunities offered by the digital and technological revolution can be seized by an increasing number of women, for a fair and sustainable future.
The final phase of the project includes an "immersive" online activity, during which students will have the opportunity to work on real projects identified by the Group. In the “Acea Workshops” the young people, divided into mixed teams, will be supported by the ELIS team in the creative process, which will end with the presentation of innovative and sustainable ideas, thanks to which it will be possible to win.
The "GenerAzione Connessa" programme represents a further opportunity for the Group to fuel the virtuous exchange between school and companies started in previous years, stimulating the interest and motivation of students who, through the sharing of their knowledge and ideas, can become engine of social, economic and environmental innovation.
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