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The BIM working methodology is based on sharing data and models in real time with the aim of producing high quality results while saving significantly on time
More than 20 plants have already been designed by Acea Elabori with the BIM methodology

Acea, through Acea Elabori — the company that provides technical services to the Group – was the first multiutility in Italy to obtain, in July 2021, the ICMQ (Institute for Certification and Quality Mark) BIM (Building Information Modeling) certification for engineering design. The BIM working methodology represents a revolution in planning processes, using smart digital models in all stages of the project: from the first concept to construction, including project management and maintenance. With this collaborative work methodology all parties involved in a project – suppliers, customer, engineers, architects – can interact in the cloud, have access to all project information in real time and share their work, cutting down time significantly. BIM allows to work in seven dimensions, viewing not just progress and costs but also the sustainability of the project, facilitating choices aimed at producing a positive impact on the environment.

Acea Elabori, who has already used BIM in more than 20 plants for companies part of the Acea Group, including water treatment plants, water pipes, and even Acea Smart Comp mini composting plants, obtained the certification at company level a few weeks ago, thereby completing a journey that started in mid-2019.  The company has also obtained the certification on a personal level, 11 engineers qualified to use the software across the different roles involved in managing the processes.

By obtaining the BIM certification the Acea Group consolidates innovation in its engineering design approach, in line with the regulatory recommendations that advocate for an increasingly wider use of the methodology. This important result is a confirmation of the excellence of the construction and engineering techniques adopted within the Group, consolidating the essential role played by research within the company strategies.


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