Press releases

Acea, through its companies Acea Elabori and Simam and together with Marche Polytechnic University and other partners from nine different nations, has obtained funds for 12 million Euros for the PROMISCES project, winner of a call for proposals launched by the European program Horizon 2020, in support of reaching the Green Deal objectives. With a technical score of 15/15, PROMISCES (Preventing Recalcitrant Organic Mobile Industrial chemicals for Circular Economy in the Soil-sediment-water system,) was one of only two projects to be awarded funds out of the 90 who applied to call LC-GD-8-1-2020 (Innovative, systemic zero-pollution solutions to protect health, environment and natural resources from persistent and mobile chemicals).

PROMISCES is an innovative program aimed at preventing the circulation of polluting organic compounds in water, soil, and sediment, thanks to the industrial development of new technological solutions for the implementation of Europe’s “systemic zero-pollution” and “Circular Economy” strategies.

Acea Elabori will focus on developing new analytical techniques to identify and quantify polluting substances, drawing from its research experience and thanks to the technology investments made over the years. Simam will concentrate its efforts and industrial and engineering capabilities on the development of new technologies to process landfill leachates, with an eye on the recovery of materials.

The attainment of these prestigious European funds is testament to the efficacy of the participated research model promoted by Acea, based on bringing together the excellent technical and implementation abilities within the Group with the knowledge of research bodies. The result obtained at European level, an extremely competitive context, in addition to consolidating Acea’s position in the research and innovation sector – through the Acea Elabori technology hub – also further reiterates the central role occupied by environmental sustainability in the company’s strategies and core values.


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