Press Releases

30 million Euro for S.I.I. – Integrated water service operator in the Terni area

A successful conclusion has been reached for the 30 million Euro long-term structured finance transaction in favour of the Acea Group company S.I.I. scpa, a mixed public-private ownership firm which since 2002 – on the basis of a thirty-year concession – has managed the integrated water service in the Umbria Region’s ‘Sub Area 4’, a territory that includes 32 Municipalities in the Province of Terni, with a population of more than 220,000 residents and over 3,800 km of water and sewerage networks.

The new 20 million Euro loan granted by BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas and UBI Banca – Intesa Sanpaolo Group, together with the loan of 10 million Euro granted by ACEA (S.I.I.’s industrial partner), represents the most important structured finance transaction associated with sustainability objectives as regards Umbria’s integrated water services sector.

The transaction was carried out thanks to the commitment of the company’s public sector shareholders and entrepreneurial partners (Umbriadue Servizi Idrici scarl, ASM Terni spa and AMAN scpa) who endorsed a path that has led to stronger participation and governance on the part of ACEA, Italy’s leading water operator, demonstrating its close industrial and strategic involvement.

Through this innovative financing, S.I.I. will carry out major interventions on water, sewerage and purification infrastructures, confirming its pledge to operate in accordance with sustainability criteria for the achievement of environmental and social value objectives, including a significant reduction in water leaks in order to safeguard the resource. In fact, up to 2031 new investments are planned for a total of approximately 130 million Euro.

Legal due diligence activities and the drafting of contractual documentation were carried out by Legance Avvocati Associati, in the capacity of “project counsel”, whereas technical- tariff due diligence and regulatory activities were performed by Agenia srl in the capacity of “technical advisor”.


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