Press Releases

This year once again Acea is supporting the Rome Half Marathon Via Pacis, scheduled in Rome on 22 September, with departure and arrival in St. Peter's Square. The race, promoted by Roma Capitale, the Pontifical Council for Culture and FIDAL, passes beside the most important places of worship in the city (San Pietro, the Synagogue, the Mosque, the Waldensian Church and the Orthodox Church) and traces a circuit that ideally unites different religions, peoples and cultures.

"With our support for this event – has declared ACEA President, Michaela Castelli - the Acea Group confirms its vital link with the Capital and its commitment to promoting all initiatives in favor of integration and sharing. The 150th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi, which the marathon celebrates this year, gives further importance to an event that allows all participants to experience the historic center of Rome travelling through the city following an itinerary that has a clear symbolic, historical and religious value.”



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