The Chief Executive Officer of ACEA, Stefano Donnarumma, and the Chairman of ENEA (the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development), Federico Testa, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding to launch a collaboration for the development of projects pertaining to the circular economy, with special reference to sustainable management of the waste and water resource cycle.
ENEA, through the Department for Sustainability (SSPT), which develops innovative technologies, methodologies and solutions for the efficient use and sustainable management of resources, and the transfer of technology and knowledge to companies, will make available to ACEA the scientific skills, platforms and infrastructures of its 14 research centres and major laboratories. ACEA’s objective is to apply the technologies, innovative solutions and knowledge provided by ENEA to its own industrial projects, above all in the waste treatment and water services sectors, in keeping with its circular economy development strategy, as envisaged in the Business Plan.
The collaboration may include innovative technological solutions for the reduction of environmental impacts associated with the construction of new plants, for the valorisation of compost and the application of biotechnologies to business systems and integrated agro-industrial parks in the area, as well as smart services, such as outsourced composting. The memorandum of understanding has a duration of four years and provides for the performance of individual activities to be regulated by specific agreements between the parties setting out the details for implementation and operation.
ACEA’s Chief Executive Officer, Stefano Donnarumma, commented: “We are extremely pleased about this new path being undertaken with ENEA, the most important Italian public body in the sector of technological research and innovation, recognised at international level. I am certain that our industrial processes will benefit from the major value contributed by ENEA, in terms of greater operating efficiency, resilience and reduced impact on our territories of operation”.
The Chairman of ENEA, Federico Testa, emphasised that “This agreement with the largest multiutility operator in Central and Southern Italy for the development of projects in the circular economy sector opens up prospects of great strategic and operational interest with major repercussions for the local community. We shall give ACEA all the scientific and technological support necessary and will promote its inclusion in the European networks and in the domestic platform ICESP - Italian Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, coordinated by ENEA”.
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