Acea Ato 5 reports

It is very important to provide the Water Service Provider with regular meter readings. This way you avoid receiving estimated bills and only pay for the water you have actually used.
Many recorded issues and disputes are connected with the lack of regular meter readings. All this can easily be avoided by providing regular meter readings, in order to pay for the exact amount of water consumed.
Acea Ato 5 tries to take meter readings at least twice per year. The two reading attempts per year carried out by Acea authorized personnel – as provided by the law – are minimum 150 days apart (but, if the annual consumption exceeds 3,000 cubic meters, reading attempts rise to three). However, for various reasons, our personnel cannot always read the meter, especially when it is not accessible, and the user is not present to assist them.
In your own interest, the best thing you can do in these cases is to cooperate with the Provider by reading the meter yourself and then providing Acea Ato 5 with the data through one of the many available channels.
As mentioned, by sending regular meter readings you avoid estimated bills and pay only for what you have consumed. You also avoid adjustments in future bills once the actual consumption is finally recorded.
Furthermore, periodically reading your meter and submitting the readings to the Provider can help to identify the presence of any hidden water leaks in your private network (recorded by the meter without you becoming aware of the issue), which can be duly fixed before they cause complaints and disputes about bills.
Acea Ato 5 offers customers a range of options to submit their meter readings: by calling the toll-free number 800.639.251; online at (registering to access the private section); or using MyAcea app (for Android and iOS). Meter readings can also be submitted via email ( and sending a sms to 339.99.42.943 (quoting user number, customer number and the numbers shown on the meter followed by #).
A new meter reading can be submitted only 30 days after the previous reading was sent. Meter readings should preferably be sent shortly before the time authorized personnel is due to perform a reading, which is indicated on the first page of the bill, and especially if the technician was unable to gain access to the meter and has left a card.
To facilitate the meter reading process and help calculate bills accurately, meters must be accessible. Please be reminded that customers are not allowed to prevent meter readings by applying locks or any other device or to tamper in any way with the meter.
Providing meter reading is easy and convenient and should be done regularly.


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