Acea for World Energy Saving Day
The company has always been committed to promoting a culture of environment protection.
The initiative started successfully last year continues.
Ecology, environment and fight against pollution. Managing the integrated water service means that Acea Ato 5 is in the front line when it comes to dealing with these issues.
To raise awareness among young students, but not only, the Company organizes meetings in primary schools in Frosinone to teach children about the environment and protecting water resources.
These objectives have always been part of Acea Ato 5 and the Group’s activities, who are inspired by the concept of “sustainable development”, expressed as the ability to promote social progress and economic growth while respecting and protecting the environment. Water, energy and environment are essential to Acea; core values that the company is committed to promote within the community with its daily work and through specifically targeted initiatives and activities.
Schools are the best place to raise awareness about environmental protection. Young people are particularly interested in these issues and are the best vehicle to promote the concepts connected with sustainable development, circular economy and ecology across society and reach the entire local community.
A year ago Acea Ato 5 started the project “Acqua a piccoli passi” (“Water a little step at the time”) which consists in organizing events in local schools to talk about the cycle of water and the importance of water treatment. This year, there is yet another initiative, “Plastic free”. “Acqua a piccoli passi” and “Plastic free” are examples of Acea Ato 5’s commitment to raising awareness about issues in connection with the environment. Projects that involve hundreds of young students in the 84 Municipalities in its territory.
With “Plastic free” Acea Ato 5 focuses on reducing the use of plastic that is polluting the world. The initiative is targeted to the young generations in order to encourage them to use less and less single-use plastic, such as water battles and plastic cups. To this end, Acea Ato 5 will give all the students reusable water bottles to offer a viable alternative of carrying water and drinking it while respecting the environment.
All based on the belief that water and environment are two sides of the same coin: you cannot take care of one without considering the other.
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Acea for World Energy Saving Day
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