For our people

Most of the Group companies have implemented certified health and safety management systems. Moreover, with a view to constantly enhancing the operational management of occupational safety, we have put in place additional tools, including the Group Guidelines on Safety and the HSE (Heath, Safety, Environmental) dashboard to measure and monitor the performance data on which improvement interventions are based.

Initiatives in Group companies

In 2023 our companies undertook a number of training activities with regard to health and safety:

  • Acea Ato 2 continued the Camper della Sicurezza (safety camper) project, via mobile initiatives at workplaces and sites, for the promotion of a health protection and safety culture in the area. Moreover, again in 2023 the company carried out “one-to-one” interviews with staff to gather suggestions on operating unit procedures and configuration.
  • Acea Ato 5 during 2023 launched the Alimentiamo la Salute (food for health) project, to encourage a correct style of eating, and the Near Miss project, in collaboration with the Workers’ Safety Representatives, to enhance staff awareness about “near misses”. Lastly, the awareness campaign on the use of semiautomatic defibrillators (AEDs) was concluded.
  • AdF performed training courses for operating personnel assigned to interventions in confined spaces for the cleaning of drinking water accumulations. Moreover, again in 2023, the Zero Accident Project (ZAP) was carried out, aimed at sensitising (administrative, technical and operational) staff to an adequate perception of risk and the appropriateness of reporting “near misses”.
  • Acea Infrastructure during 2023 organised refresher courses for emergency personnel (ASA),on first aid (APS), on interventions in confined spaces or suspected pollution, on working at height, on Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs), on safe driving and for the person responsible for road signs.
  • Acea Ambiente held the event “Safety Day - Growing Safely Together” in May 2024. This initiative was part of a broader project - which began in 2023 with the Safety Ambassadors campaign - aimed at spreading a culture of safety within the companies of the Environment segment. The event actively involved top management, safety managers, Health and Safety Officers and Workers' Health and Safety Representatives of Acea Ambiente. These defined a path to identify together shared solutions and projects to manage and reduce risks in the workplace, by adopting a strong interaction-oriented approach among participants.
  • Areti during 2023 finished refurbishing the outside spaces of the Training Camp, a dedicated structure for operational safety education. The company also organised, as part of the “Sicurezza è Vita” (Safety means Life) initiative, four days of training on near misses, using the innovative Lego Serios Play approach, with the participation of 180 employees.
  • Aquaser continued the process to consolidate the behavioural safety culture in the company, launched in 2022, with the BBS (Behaviour Based Safety) project, providing training for transport staff and, more generally, for all company personnel. Moreover, the company launched a training course on fire risk prevention and management and, in the waste sector, promoted webinars on intermediation issues and on the new single model for waste transportation.

The Training Camp

The Training Camp, which has been in operation at Acea for several years, is a dedicated structure for internal and external staff education and training, aimed at illustrating how to safely perform activities such as ascent/descent on medium and low voltage power line poles, access to confined underground spaces and plant safety enhancement during the execution of works.


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