Umbriadue contacts

Phone numbers

Terni Office - Via Aldo Bartocci, 29 - 05100 Terni

 0744 806911

Orvieto Office - Via Monte Vettore Snc - 05018

 0763 393800


Email, certified email and useful information


Certified email  - (Institutional/private communications)                                           - (Communications/supplier management) 

Share Capital €100,000.00 fully paid
Terni Economic and Administrative Index no. 85408 - Tax Code and VAT no. 02357250980


In accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 24/202, the company has adopted a system for receiving and handling reports regarding violations of its Code of Ethics and internal and external regulations. For further information regarding the scope of the application, reporting requirements, transmission channels and methods, personal data processing methods and measures to safeguard the reporter, it is recommended to consult the designated page.

Are you a customer of one of the other water companies in our Group?

You can find the contact details in the dedicated sections on their respective websites.

Acque     Acquedotto del Flora    Geal    Gori    Publiacqua    Servizio Idrico Integrato    Umbra Acque


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