We are pleased to announce that Pier Francesco Ragni, currently Deputy General Manager Corporate, has today also been appointed as Acea SpA’s Administration, Finance and Control Manager and Chief Financial Officer, in the place of Sabrina Di Bartolomeo who has tendered her resignation from such role and from the role of Manager Responsible for preparing Acea SpA’s financial reports (the “Manager Responsible”), in order to pursue new professional challenges.
Ragni will have the task of supporting the Chief Executive Officer for the implementation of Acea’s economic and financial strategy during this important acceleration phase of the Company’s Business Plan.
Sabrina Di Bartolomeo’s resignation as Manager Responsible will take effect from the time of her replacement. In this regard, Acea SpA’s Board of Directors will meet on 31 August to appoint the new Manager Responsible.
According to the information available to the Company, as of the date of this press release Sabrina Di Bartolomeo does not hold shares in Acea SpA.
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