Press release

Acea announces that today it was published on the Company’s website (, on the 1INFO authorised storage mechanism ( and filed at the Company’s registered office the minutes of Acea’s Board of Directors of last 20th June, that pursuant to Articles 2365, 2505, subsection 2 and 2506-ter of the Italian Civil Code, and in accordance with Article 20 of the Company’s Articles of Association, approved the partial demerger by spin-off in favor of the newly established company Acea Acqua S.p.A..

As communicated last December 22nd, the object of the partial demerger by spin-off transaction, pursuant to Articles 2506.1 et seq. of the Italian Civil Code, to be carried out as part of a corporate reorganisation of activities pertaining to the management of integrated water services business division, is to transfer the said business division to a newly created company, wholly owned by Acea.

The resolution of the Board of Directors was registered with the Rome Company Register on 26th June 2024.


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