Press Release

The Acea S.p.A. Board of Directors, elected earlier today at the AGM, has met under the chairpersonship of Michaela Castelli.

The Board appointed Giuseppe Gola as the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, granting him, in line with the previous set-up, all powers for the Company’s ordinary administration, except for those which according to law and the articles of association cannot be delegated and the special powers reserved by the Board to its own exclusive competence.

The Board also granted the Chairperson certain specific powers, such as those pertaining to corporate governance and sustainability.

Based on the declarations issued by the Directors and the information available to the Company, and taking account of the assessment parameters envisaged by the prevailing Corporate Governance Code, the Board of Directors has ascertained the existence of independence requirements, as set forth by law and by the Corporate Governance Code, for Directors Alessandro Caltagirone, Massimiliano Capece Minutolo del Sasso, Gabriella Chiellino, Diane Galbe, Giovanni Giani, Liliana Godino and Giacomo Larocca.

The Board of Statutory Auditors has positively verified the correct application of these criteria, as well as the ascertainment procedures adopted by the Board.

During the course of the same meeting, the Board of Directors also appointed Fabio Paris as Executive Responsible for Acea S.p.A.’s financial reporting.

The Board of Directors also established an executive Committee, comprising Giovanni Giani (Chairperson), Michaela Castelli, Giuseppe Gola and Massimiliano Capece Minutolo del Sasso, which will deal with issues concerning sponsorships and institutional relations.

Lastly, the Board appointed the following Board Committee members, in accordance with the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code:

  • Appointments and Remuneration Committee: Massimiliano Capece Minutolo Del Sasso (Chairperson), Gabriella Chiellino, Liliana Godino, Giovanni Giani;
  • Control and Risks Committee: Liliana Godino (Chairperson), Giovanni Giani, Giacomo Larocca, Massimiliano Capece Minutolo del Sasso;
  • Ethics and Sustainability Committee: Gabriella Chiellino (Chairperson), Massimiliano Capece Minutolo Del Sasso, Giacomo Larocca, Giovanni Giani;
  • Related Party Transactions Committee: Liliana Godino (Coordinator), Massimiliano Capece Minutolo Del Sasso and Giovanni Giani.

All Directors appointed to the said Board Committees meet the independence requirements.



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