Press Release

All the initiatives organized by the Group, from special illuminations to a self-defense class

Once again this year, Acea supports the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women with initiatives aimed at promoting a culture of respect for individuals, as well as combating stereotypes and gender biases.

This morning, a new session of the women’s self-defence course was held at the company premises. Organized for Acea’s female employees and their daughters, the course - whose meetings were held regularly throughout the year - aims to help women anticipate risky situations, respond appropriately, and safeguard their safety. Today’s session concluded with greetings from Barbara Marinali, President of Acea and Fabrizio Palermo, CEO of Acea.

During the evening, three special illuminations are planned in collaboration with institutions, aimed at raising awareness among citizens on one of the themes gaining nationwide attention: the Palace of Senators, in collaboration with Rome Capital, will light up in red starting from 07 p.m.; similarly, the Lazio Region headquarters on via Rosa Raimondi Garibaldi will be illuminated in the same colour; the Rome’s police headquarters, on via San Vitale, will light up in orange to support the UN Women’s Orange the World campaign, symbolizing a future free from gender-based violence.

Acea is among the companies supporting, through their communication channels, the social media campaigns #nessunascusa (Eng. #noexcuse), launched by the Honourable Mara Carfagna. As part of its prevention programmes, the Group also offers all women the possibility to undergo free breast, dermatological, and endocrinological screenings.

“Today must be a day of reflection for all of us: it is essential to shine an even brighter spotlight on the sad phenomenon of violence against women. Unfortunately, are stil farl too many recorded cases, most of which are real tragedies. This can no longer be tolerated. At Acea, we are committed to carrying forward the battle to raise awareness, especially among young people, about the importance of respect for others. We have been doing this for years, and we will continue with even more determination in the future”, stated Barbara Marinali, President of Acea.

“Acea supports the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women with conviction. Respect, equity, and the fight against gender prejudices are core principles that our Group identifies with. This year, we organized a women’s self-defence course open to our female employees and their daughters, and today we want to send a clear message: we stand with women side and against those who perpetrate violence. We cannot afford to let our guard down”, stated Fabrizio Palermo, CEO of Acea.


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