Press Release

The president of Anac, the Italian National Anti-corruption Authority, Giuseppe Busìa, the CEO of Acea, Fabrizio Palermo, and the president of Acea Ato 2, Claudio Cosentino, in the presence of Giovanni Salvi, Acea’s consultant for legality and fight against criminal infiltration and former Attorney General at the Supreme Court of Cassation, have signed yesterday a protocol of action on the tender procedure for the design and construction works of the "New Peschiera upper trunk, from the sources to the Salisano hydroelectric power plant".

The agreement aims to regulate the activity of preventive collaborative supervision, aimed at ensuring that tender documents comply with sector regulations, and identifying any clauses or conditions that may help prevent attempts at criminal infiltrations.

The protocol is part of the "National Framework Protocol" signed in July by Acea and the Ministry of the Interior, with the aim of strengthening, on a national scale, the cooperation on public security, given Acea's commitment to implement significant infrastructures in the coming years. The new Peschiera upper trunk represents the most significant of these: the project aims to build a line of about 27 km, from the sources of Peschiera to Salisano, parallel to the section that, since its construction over 80 years ago, has been operating continuously. The start of the work is scheduled for 2025. 

"Peschiera's waterworks is one of the largest waterworks transporting spring water in the world. Its enhancement represents a strategic intervention, not only for Rome, but for the entire country too. Therefore, at Acea's request, we have initiated a collaborative supervision on it, supporting Acea to ensure that the project is conducted in the best possible ways, with the aim of ensuring the fairness and transparency of procedures, and to prevent any form of illicit practices and corruption. Such forms of support and collaboration contribute to the realization of the works, reducing the risk of litigation and, at the same time, ensuring that the public resources are spent properly and for the benefit of the community." So commented President of Anac, Giuseppe Busìa. "This captures the essence of the collaborative Oversight Protocol for the new Peschiera upper trunk, which we signed today with Acea.The aim is to ensure the execution of a strategic, environmentally sustainable project, that will be able to benefit millions of citizens, proving that transparency and the proper application of rules enhance both management and economic efficiency, while creating a long-term value for the community.”

"The signed agreement - stated Fabrizio Palermo, CEO of Acea - marks a further step forward in our commitment to ensuring legality and preventing illegal activities. This is particularly relevant given the responsibility we have towards the citizens and the areas that we serve every day, as well as in preparation for the construction of essential infrastructures that will significantly affect the country’s development. The new Peschiera waterworks, which is already today one of the major aqueduct systems in Italy and Europe and that supplies about 80% of Rome’s water demand on its own, is the most significant hydraulic project in Italy, with an overall investment of approximately 1.5 billion euros."


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