Acea Corporate

Drinking water

Water intended for human consumption is regulated by Legislative Decree No. 31 of 2 February 2001 (in force since 25 December 2003), which absorbs the provisions of the Directive of the European Union 98/83/EC regarding the quality of water for human consumption into the national legislation (Presidential Decree 236/88). "Water intended for human consumption must be wholesome and clean. It must be free from any micro-organisms and parasites and from any substances which, in numbers or concentrations, constitute a potential danger to human health." The law regulates all the organoleptic, microbiological and chemical aspects from a health point of view and the management processes linked to the water supply. It sets the maximum acceptable limits of concentration.



The water is taken from the source via the aqueduct service, treated to convert it to drinking water and sent through the water network for distribution to the utilities.   The customer pays a quota for this service, which varies according to the m3 consumed and is differentiated according to the consumption rates.


Other debit and credit amounts

They include the debit and credit amounts other than those for the provision of aqueduct services, sewers, sewage treatment and the fixed quota. They include: network connection charges, the caution deposit or arrears interest or, any repayments envisaged by the Service Charter for credits. Your bill must highlight what they refer to. They may or may not be subject to VAT, depending on their type.


Other items

They include any debits/credits to the end customer for costs other than those regarding the Cost for natural gas, the Cost for transport and meter management and the Cost for general charges. These may include arrears interest, the debit/return of the caution deposit, automatic repayments, and connection costs in Other items. These amounts may or may not be subject to VAT, depending on their type.


Other items

This includes any debits/credits to the end customer for costs other than those regarding the Cost for energy, the Cost for transport and meter management and the Cost for general charges. These may include arrears interest, the debit/return of the caution deposit, automatic repayments, connection costs and the CMOR payment (see the description under the item CMOR payment) in Other items. These amounts may or may not be subject to VAT, depending on their type.


Other uses

This refers to a customer, who uses electricity for non-domestic purposes (e.g. shops, offices, etc.).

Acea Corporate

Ato (Local Water Board area)

This is a specific demarcation of the regional area for the water service supply according to the Galli Law No. 36/1994 in order to manage the integrated water system. The main criteria taken into consideration are: the localisation of the resources and their destination to towns; overcoming management fragmentation; the creation of a tariff system to guarantee investments and running costs are covered.

Acea Corporate

Environmental audit

This is a management tool, which includes a systematic, documented, regular, objective evaluation of the organisation's services and the management system and the processes to protect the environment.


Reading your meter

This is the number that appears on the meter on a certain date, which the customer has read and sent to the provider to be used for invoicing.


Reading your meter

This is the number that appears on your meter display screen on a certain date. It is read directly by the end customer, who sends it to the vendor.


Reading your meter

This is the number that appears on your meter display screen on a certain date. It is read directly by the end customer, who sends it to the vendor, provided the latter has envisaged this possibility. If you have an electronic meter, you will have to press the button, so that the relevant information for the current reading appears on the display screen as follows: A3 READING = 000000. If you push the button again, you will see another 2 readings with: A2 READING = 000000 A1 READING = 000000. To complete your reading, you will have to record all three readings.

Acea Corporate

Catchment area

The area from which the rainwater or melted snow and glaciers flows to the surface and is collected in a specific watercourse directly or via tributaries, The area can be flooded with water from same watercourse, including its terminal branches with their river mouth in the sea and the nearby seashore.

Acea Corporate


This is the variety of plant life and animals present in the planet's ecosystems. The term is also used to indicate the genetic variations within a species. The survival of every species depends on the variety of populations it consists of. Less variety means fewer possibilities of surviving.  Acea Group's protection of biodiversity.



Biogas is a gaseous bio-fuel produced from organic waste. What happens in the production process? In the absence of oxygen, bacteria decompose the organic material and produce a gaseous mix of methane (50÷70%), carbon dioxide (30÷40%) and traces of other gases. It is used in cogeneration plants to produce electrical and thermal energy simultaneously or to produce the bio-methane used in transport.

Biasella Luca
Monitoring and Controlling Plant Engineering Performance
Acea Corporate


Biomasses include various materials of biological origin and waste from agricultural activities, which are reused in special, thermal power plants to produce electricity. They are usually waste from agriculture, livestock breeding and industry: wood for burning, agricultural and forestry waste; agri-food waste; sewage from livestock farms, urban waste, plant species cultivated for this specific purpose. Producing energy from biomasses enables us to eliminate waste from human activities, produce electricity and reduce our dependency on fossil fuels, such as oil.



BlockChain is a technology, which enables information to be recorded clearly and precisely on a "Chain of Blocks", each of which stores and validates the transactions of all the blocks ("Distributed Ledger"). The potential of this new architecture is enormous: it includes data safety (information stored in several points and encrypted), the impossibility to modify the ledger and traceable transactions (who did what and when), all of which are unique features applicable to numerous areas, e.g. cryptocurrency. Acea uses BlockChain to certify energy exchanges between prosumers and the grid to enable innovative energy services.

Ercole De Luca
Engineering & Innovation at Areti

Water Bonus discount

This tool guarantees economically disadvantaged families can save on spending for their water. It is shown in the bill as a negative tariff (i.e. an amount in credit for the customer).


Social bonus discount

This includes the amounts accredited to those customers, who have applied for the bonus. This tool was introduced by the Government and put into operation by the Authority with the collaboration of the Municipalities, to guarantee economically disadvantaged families can save on spending for their electricity supply. The electricity social bonus discount is also envisaged for those with physical disabilities, i.e. for those people, whose serious medical condition forces them to use essential, life-saving, electro-medical equipment.

Acea Corporate

Self-purifying capacity

The capacity of a body of water or a soil to purify itself naturally from polluting substances (e.g. oil, chemical products, etc.) via biological processes, such as aerobic or anaerobic, bacterial metabolism.


Service Charter

This legal document states the provider's commitment to maintain specific standards of quality for its customers. The levels of quality usually refer to the maximum times required to provide the main services requested by the customer and, in some cases, failure to do so can give the right to be reimbursed. The Service Charter must be available on the Internet website and in one other place at least (e.g. at the provider's branches)

Acea Corporate

Cdr (RDF Refuse Derived Fuel)

RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) is a dry, ground, solid fuel, obtained by treating solid urban waste, usually collected in cylindrical blocks named eco-bales.


Meter classification

This is the classification of the meter installed at the customer's home or premises to show the energy used in order to invoice the supply service and any repayments, to which the end customers may be entitled. The meter classification is identified by the letter G followed by a number (e.g. G6, G10, G25 etc.).



This code consists of numbers and/or letters and it identifies the point of delivery of the distribution system which supplies the PDR.


Corrective coefficient (C)

This coefficient converts the consumption measured by the meter, expressed in cubic meters, into units used for invoicing, i.e. standard cubic metres. Conversion using the corrective coefficient (C) is required, so that all customers pay only for the effective quantity of gas consumed, which depends on the delivery pressure and temperature. E.g. if the meter records a consumption of 110 m3 and the coefficient value C is 1.027235, the standard cubic metres invoiced will be: 110 x 1.027235= 112.99585 Sm3.


Retail commercialisation (fixed part plus variable part)

This covers the costs of retail sale, e.g. commercial management, customer services, etc.) In the provisions which establish or modify the standard financial terms and conditions, this item is technically known as QVD and is set and updated by the energy Authority. It consists of a fixed value and a variable linked to the end customer's consumption.


Commercialisation and sale

It covers the costs of customer commercial management. In the provisions which establish or modify the standard financial terms and conditions, this item is technically known as PCV ("price of commercialisation and sale) and is set by the energy Authority on the basis of the average costs sustained by an operator on the free market.



Box (on the Utility Bill), which contains the credits and payables to be compensated between them.



Box (on the Utility Bill), which contains the credits and payables to be compensated between them.


Dispatch component (fixed and variable part)

This is applied to customers, who are entitled to the standard service of, i.e. both domestic customers and SMEs, who have moved to the free market. It consists of a fixed part accredited to the customer regardless of his consumption (which appears with the - sign) and of a variable part, which is debited to the customer in proportion to his annual consumption (only for resident customers with a power of up to 3 kW).
In the provisions which establish or modify the more protective financial terms and conditions, this item is known as DISPbt.


Equalisation component

This component, named PPE in the measures by the Authority, serves to guarantee a balance between the effective purchase costs and dispatch of electricity for the standard service and the amount the customers of that service have paid since 1 January 2008. It is not applied to Acea Energia customers, who sign up to fixed price offers on the free market.


Energy Component

The fee to cover the costs to procure electricity, except for grid leaks, taxes, charges and system increases and transport and dispatch services. It is the purchase cost of electricity. In the provisions which establish or modify the standard financial terms and conditions, this item is known as PE ("price of energy") and is set and updated by the Authority every three months. The price of energy includes grid leaks on the transmission and distribution networks, subject to different provisions in free market contracts.


Gas Component

The Gas Component (defined only for fixed price offers) is the fee applied to natural gas taken to cover exclusively the costs of procurement. It does not cover the costs for activities connected to the wholesale procurement processes.


Gas raw material component

For the Tariff set for the Gas standard service and for Offers of a discount compared to the tariff set for the gas standard service: the Gas Raw Material Component covers the purchase costs for the gas raw material and the activities required to do so. The main reference to calculate the gas purchase cost from 1 October 2003 is the price that arises on the wholesale market. The item includes two components which, in the provisions to establish or modify the standard financial terms and conditions, are technically known as CMEM and CCR. The Authority updates the CMEM component every three months. For Offers with a fixed price, the Gas Raw Material Component is the fee applied to natural gas taken to cover exclusively the costs for activities connected to the wholesale procurement processes (CCR).



Composting is a natural transformation process of organic substances, which develops thanks to the action of micro-organisms, such as bacteria and fungi. The process is reproduced and accelerated in the plants, by controlling the factors that affect it, e.g. oxygen, temperature and humidity. After a few weeks, organic waste undergoes major transformations in its physical-chemical and biological characteristics, which give a new product called compost, used widely in agriculture.

Cecili Daniele
Aprilia and Sabaudia Plant Manager

Block of flats for domestic use

A contract regarding a redelivery point (PDR) which supplies an entire building, divided into several land registry units, in which there is at least one residential unit with similar uses to those of a domestic customer. The contract can be in the name of a legal person provided they act as co-owners of the building and it is not a heat or energy service provider.


Effective consumption

This is the kWh consumed between two recorded readings or self-reading. It corresponds to the difference in the numbers communicated to the supplier in the final and penultimate reading recorded (or self-reading) and the numbers indicated by the meter display screen at the time of the preceding recorded reading (or self-reading).


Effective consumption

Effective consumption is the amount in cubic metres between two recorded readings or self-reading. It corresponds to the difference in the numbers shown on the meter display screen at the time of the latest reading (or self-reading) and the numbers indicated by the meter display screen for the preceding recorded reading (or self-reading).


Invoiced consumption

This refers to your water consumption in cubic metres, invoiced in your utility bill for the applicable period. It may differ from the recorded consumption, when a part of the estimated consumption is added to the recorded consumption from the last reading or self-reading up to the issue of your bill.


Invoiced consumption

These are the kilowatt-hour rates invoiced in your utility bill for the applicable period. There may be a difference between effective and invoiced consumption which can depend on the fact that the estimated consumption is added to the effective consumption.


Returned consumption

This is consumption accredited on account in previous utility bills.


Recorded consumption

This is your water consumption in cubic metres between two recorded readings or self-reading. It corresponds to the difference in the numbers shown on the meter display screen at the time of the last recorded reading (or self-reading) and the numbers indicated by the meter at the time of the previous recorded reading (or previous self-reading).


Estimated consumption

This is the approximate water consumption in cubic metres, which is based on the best estimates of the customer's historic consumption available to the provider, when there are no recorded meter readings or self-readings.


Estimated consumption

This is the approximate consumption when there are no recorded meter readings (or self-readings), and the utility bill gives estimated readings. This consumption is usually calculated according to the customer's historic consumption available to the vendor.


Estimated consumption

This is the approximate consumption when there are no recorded meter readings (or self-readings), and the utility bill gives estimated readings. This consumption is usually calculated according to the customer's historic consumption available to the vendor.


Annual consumption

This is the consumption of natural gas for 12 months' supply, calculated on the basis of information on the customer's past consumption. If no effective data is available, this information is estimated. In the event of new connections, for which no data covering a 12 month period is available, the vendor must indicate in the utility bill that this consumption is as recorded or estimated at the start of the supply on the basis of the available data, and refer to it as "initial supply consumption". After 12 months the effective data should be available.


Returned consumption

This is consumption accredited on account in previous utility bills.


Single tariff electronic meter (EM)

The electronic meter, which has not been reprogrammed and is unable to measure the energy consumed in the different time bands or hours of the day.


Time-of-day electronic meter (EO)

This electronic meter is capable of measuring the energy consumed hour by hour.


Time-band electronic meter (EF)

This electronic meter is capable of measuring the energy consumed in the different time bands (F1, F2 and F3).


Traditional meter (T)

This non-electronic meter is incapable of measuring energy consumed either for individual bands or by the hour.


CMOR payment (arrears payment)

The current vendor can debit this to the customer as compensation in favour of a previous vendor for failure by the customer to pay one or more utility bills. In fact, in cases where the customer is in arrears towards a previous vendor, the latter can request compensation - the CMOR payment - as established by the Authority. In these cases, the utility bill contains the wording: "This utility bill has debited you the "CMOR Payment" on behalf of your previous vendor as compensation for failing to pay one or more utility bills. For additional information on this payment,  you must contact your previous vendor or call the toll-free number 800 166 654. Further information is available on the website" The CMOR payment is invoiced in the part of the utility bill regarding Other items.


Average unit cost of utility bill

The average unit cost of the utility bill is calculated as the ratio between what is due overall, net of the amount invoiced under the item Other items, and the Sm3 invoiced. The information enables the customer to make an initial assessment of the average cost of his supply Warning: the value of the average cost as calculated above does not correspond to the effective cost per Sm3, as it is influenced by the difference between the amounts based on the calculation of fixed quotas, expressed in EUR/customer/month (or EUR/PDR/month) and the differentiated payments for consumption rates, expressed according to the amount of gas consumed and to any Recalculated items.


Average unit cost of utility bill

The average unit cost of the utility bill is calculated as the ratio between what is due overall net of the amount invoiced under the item Other payments, and the kWh invoiced. The information enables the customer to make an initial assessment of the average cost of his supply. The value of the average cost as calculated above does not correspond to the effective cost per Sm3, as it is influenced by the difference between the amounts based on the calculation of fixed quotas, expressed in EUR/customer/month (or EUR/PDR/month) and the differentiated payments for consumption rates, expressed according to the amount of gas consumed and to any Recalculated items (see the explanations of the items Fixed quota, Rates and Recalculations).


Average unit cost for energy

The average unit cost for energy is calculated as in the item Cost for energy and the kWh invoiced. The information enables the customer to make an initial assessment of the average cost of the vendor's activities to supply his electricity. The value of the average cost as calculated above does not correspond to the effective cost per kWh, as it is influenced by the difference between the amounts based on the calculation of fixed quotas, expressed in EUR/customer/month (or EUR/PDR/month) and any differentiated payments for consumption rates, expressed according to the amount of energy consumed (see the explanations of the items Fixed quota and Rates).


Average unit cost for natural gas

The average unit cost for natural gas is calculated as the ratio between what is due under the item Cost for natural gas and the Sm3 invoiced. The information enables the customer to make an initial assessment of the average cost of the vendor's various activities to supply his natural gas. Warning: the value of the average cost as calculated above does not correspond to the effective cost per Sm3, as it is influenced by the difference between the amounts based on the calculation of fixed quotas, expressed in EUR/customer/month (or EUR/PDR/month).


Cyber Security

Cyber Security refers to the range of processes and technologies defending the privacy and integrity of the digital information processed by electronic systems (computers, telecommunications networks, Smartphones, etc.). It includes proactive and reactive, technical and organisational measures to identify any risks and threats, and to adopt countermeasures according to national and international standards and best practice.

Guarino Andrea
Cyber Security

Supply connection date

This is the date from which the supply starts according to the contractual terms and conditions. It does not usually correspond to the date the contract is signed, but rather to the initial start-up of the supply or when the supply is passed from one vendor to another. It can also refer to the date on which a changeover or transfer begins or the date of the contract renewal.


Supply connection date

This is the date from which the supply starts according to the contractual terms and conditions. It does not usually correspond to the date the contract is signed, but rather to the initial start-up of the supply or when the supply is passed from one vendor to another. It can also refer to the date on which a changeover or transfer begins or the date of the contract renewal. This information is given in the first utility bill received from your vendor or in the bill which applies new contractual terms and conditions.


Customer identification data

This is the data required to invoice the end customer, whether it is a natural or legal person (name/company name, VAT/Tax Code No., address for invoicing, etc.). The address for invoicing provided by the end customer is the one, to which the utility bill is sent and is not necessarily the address for the supply, i.e. the invoice address at this delivery point.


Customer identification data

This is the data required to invoice the end customer, whether it is a natural or legal person (name/company name, VAT/Tax Code No., address for invoicing, etc.). The address for invoicing provided by the end customer is the one, to which the utility bill is sent and is not necessarily the address for the supply, i.e. the address of the delivery point (see the explanation of the item POD).


Name of the contract for the free market

This is the name given to the commercial offer for the contract signed by the customer on the free market. This information is provided in the item "Offer" in the Acea Energia utility bill regarding the free market. All the details of the financial offer are given in the Economic Terms And Conditions.


Security deposit

This is a sum of money the customer pays the provider as a guarantee, which will be returned on termination of the contract in compliance with the contractual terms and conditions in force.


Sewage treatment

The sewage treatment system collects the water from the sewers and treats it in special, environmental friendly plants in order to be reused. The customer pays a variable quota (EUR/m3) for this service according to the m3 of water consumed. E.g. if 50 m3 of drinking water are consumed, the sewage treatment service quota is calculated for 50 m3.

Acea Corporate

Environmental Statement

The environmental statement must contain the following elements: a clear description without any ambiguity of the organisation asking for EMAS registration and a summary of its business, products and services; the organisation's environmental policy and a brief illustration of its environmental management system; a description of all the significant, direct and indirect environmental aspects, which determine a significant environmental impact by the organisation; a description of the environmental aims and objectives regarding any significant environmental impact; a summary of the available data for the organisation's performance regarding its environmental aims and objectives for any environmental impact; a reference to the application legislative obligations towards the environment; the name and number of accreditations or authorisations of the environmental agency and the date of validation.



This is the expense for the dispatch service, which guarantees the balance between supply and demand for electricity at all times. In the provisions which establish or modify the standard financial terms and conditions, this item is known as PD ("price of dispatch") and is set and updated by the Authority every three months. .



This is a natural person, who uses the gas from a single point of redelivery (a single PDY or single meter) to supply a home and the premises connected or belonging to the home.


Domestic with heat pump

This is a contract for a domestic utility, which only uses a heat pump to heat the home.


Resident / non-resident domestic

This is a contract for a "domestic utility" for a customer who uses electricity to supply: i) his home and the relevant appliances, whether or not it is his residence; ii) the premises connected or belonging to the home, used as studios, offices, laboratories, consulting rooms, cellars or garages or for agricultural purposes; iii) private recharge points for electric vehicles. As regards the preceding point ii), the classification as domestic customer is given provided electricity is used from a single supply point for the home and the adjoining premises ( a single POD and a single meter) and the available power does not exceed 15 kW. A further distinction between residents and non-residents, made according to the registered residence of the holder of the supply contract, is important in order to apply certain payments and amounts in the utility bill (specifically for a minimum part of the amounts regarding the Cost for energy, for the part regarding the Cost for the transport and management of the meter, the Cost for system charges and for Taxes).



Drones are normally considered to be RPAs (Remotely Piloted Aircraft), i.e. small vehicles with four or more propellers for professional or recreational use.   Acea uses drones for various activities, including inspections of high and medium voltage power supply lines, thermographic surveys and aerial photogrammetry. However, not all drones fly. Any remotely driven vehicle without a crew is a drone. A piece of trivia: the word drone comes from the German Drohne, which means a male bee. Perhaps because the first drones were developed by the military to be used for target practice and could, therefore, be sacrificed, like the poor male bees.

Giuseppe Gori
Innovation and Special Project Technician - Meter project
Acea Corporate

Hardness (of the water)

Water hardness is understood as a value, which expresses not only the contents of calcium salts and magnesium expressed as CaCO3 (calcium carbonate) produced by soluble salts in the water, but also any heavy metals present in the water.


Circular Economy

Can rejects or waste still be useful for society? The principles of Circular Economy state it is possible. This is a model of economic development and sustainable management of resources based on the concept of regeneration: it reintegrates materials and energy into new production processes and reduces waste to a minimum.

Petea Michelangelo
Head of Engineering & Development
Acea Corporate


Eco-Management and Audit Scheme: (EC Regulation 761/2001). This is the community eco-management and audit system, which organisations can voluntarily join to assess and improve their environmental performance and provide the public and other parties involved with pertinent information.


Reactive energy

This is accessory energy to run electrical equipment, which does not produce any useful effect and increases grid leaks. It is highlighted separately in your utility bill, if it exceeds a certain threshold, as it can be reduced or eliminated on site with special engineering devices (power factor correction condensers). Reactive energy is measured in kVarh.


Time bands

These are periods of time, which correspond to different energy prices. The meters installed to measure electricity consumption are able to record the customer's consumption according to the time band in which it is used. The Authority has established and divided the time bands as follows: Band F1: from Monday to Friday: from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. except on national holidays. Band F2: from Monday to Friday: from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., except on national holidays. Saturday: from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. except on national holidays. Band F3: from Monday to Saturday: from 12:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. and from 11:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. Sunday and public holidays: all day. Domestic customers on the standard tariff are divided into band F1 as described above and band F23, corresponding to the sum of band F2 and F3, equal to: Band F23: from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. This time band includes all the time bands in the two time bands F2 and F3.



The sewage service collects the surface water and human waste water and takes them in the sewage network to the treatment plant. The customer pays a variable quota (EUR/m3) for this service according to the m3 of water consumed. E.g. if 50 m3 of drinking water are consumed, the sewage service quota is calculated for 50 m3.

Acea Corporate

Front office

These are the organisation's staff and structures in direct contact with the customer. It refers to the back office, with which it is closely linked. The back office is the part of the organisation's staff and structures, which the customer does not see, but who take an active part in the business.

Acea Corporate

Galli (Law)

The "Galli Law" (No. 36/1994) identified and established the Ambito Territoriale Ottimale [Local Water Board area] as a "geographic area which requires a uniform, integrated management of public water services". According to the provisions of the law, the provider of the entire cycle administers the water resource for a maximum of thirty years and has to guarantee a rational use by reducing waste and encouraging saving and reuse.


Guarantee of origin (GO)

The Guarantee of Origin (GO) is an electronic certification, which certifies the renewable origin of the sources used. It guarantees to the end customer that the effective energy consumed comes from renewable source plants. Every GO certificate issued by the GSE for electricity put into the grid in compliance with Directive 2009/28/EC has a value of 1 MWh. GO certificates are issued, sent and annulled electronically.


Amount below the threshold

The item, which sets the debit/credit in the invoice to zero. The amount of the opposite sign will be accounted in the following invoice.


Supply address

This is the physical place where the natural gas is delivered.


Supply address

This is the physical place where the electricity is delivered.


Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the ability of an algorithm to modify its own responses to the same questions according to the feedback received.  Thus, the algorithm "learns" and "gains experience". Google, for example, is intelligent, because it provides answers, which gradually differ as it learns and gains experience from our feedback and from the information it collects on each one of us. Artificial intelligence can also be used to calculate the probably of a grid failure. We have actually developed a model, which identifies and updates in real time the risk for each branch or node in our medium voltage network according to their characteristics and "similarities" with previously damaged elements.

Silvio Alessandroni
Head of Meter To Cash Systems Unit
Acea Corporate

Iso (International Standardization Organization)

In September 1996, ISO published a series of standards on environmental management, and others on life cycle assessment procedures were published at a later stage. These standards now constitute the most advanced international point of reference for companies wishing to establish Environmental Management Systems for their production activities. Nowadays, many companies apply for the ISO 14001 certification for their industrial sites.


Kvarh (kilowatt-hour)

This is the unit of measurement of reactive energy .


kW (Kilowatt)

This is the unit of measurement for power capacity. The committed power capacity and the available power are expressed in kW.


KWh (kilowatt-hour)

The kilowatt-hour (kWh) is the unit to measure electricity consumption and it represents the energy absorbed in 1 hour by a piece of equipment with a 1 kW power. Your utility bill invoices electricity in EUR/kWh.


Recorded reading

This is the effective reading corresponding to the number, which appears on the meter display screen on a particular date (date of reading normally coinciding with the last day of the month). The provider measures it directly (usually automatically via remote control, without the need for a meter reader's visit) and notifies the vendor.


Recorded reading

This is the effective reading corresponding to the number, which appears on the meter display screen on a particular date (date of reading). The provider measures it directly (via a visit by the meter reader) and notifies the vendor.


Estimated reading

An estimated reading, i.e. an estimate of the number, which should appear on the meter display screen on a particular date, may be given in the utility bill referring to a specific period, for which no recorded reading or self-reading is available.


Estimated reading

An estimated reading, i.e. an estimate of the number, which should appear on the meter display screen on a particular date, may be given in the utility bill referring to a specific period, for which no recorded reading or self-reading is available.

Acea Corporate

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

This method enables the overall environmental impact of a product to be assessed for its entire life cycle, starting from the extraction and processing of the raw materials to the manufacturing processes, transport, distribution, recycling and reuse and to the final disposal.


Free market

This is the market, in which customers have freely chosen their vendor and the terms and conditions to buy their electricity supply. The contractual, economic, supply terms and conditions on the free market are agreed directly between the parties and not fixed by the Authority.


Free market

This is the market, in which customers have freely chosen their vendor and the terms and conditions to buy natural gas. The contractual, economic, supply terms and conditions on the free market are agreed directly between the parties and not fixed by the Authority.


Cubic meter (m3)

The Cubic meter (m3) is the unit of measurement generally used to indicate water consumption. 1 m3 equals 1000 litres.


Committed contractual minimum

This is an amount of cubic metres of water which, only for utilities for other uses, the customer is obliged to pay separately from the effective consumption, if this is envisaged by the Regulations of Use.

Acea Corporate

Sustainable mobility

All the innovations introduced for urban mobility (car sharing, bike sharing, mobility manager, etc) contribute to facilitating and increasing sustainable mobility; the presence of new generation cars fuelled with alternative fuels (LPG, methane, hydrogen, electricity); the offer of public transport, cycle-friendly policies and the use of traffic management and planning tools.


Payment procedures

The Utility Bill gives all the payment procedures available to the end customer according to the contract. The standard service requires at least one free utility bill payment procedure to be listed.


Payment procedures

The Utility Bill gives all the payment procedures available to the end customer according to the contract. The standard service requires at least one free utility bill payment procedure to be listed.



The customer, who has failed to pay his utility bills, will fall into arrears. Late payment of the Utility Bill can lead to arrears interest being added to the bill. Failure to pay the bill can, in some cases, lead to the suspension of the supply.

Acea Corporate


The addition of substances to make the water neutral, i.e. neither acidic nor alkaline.


Additional Charges

This covers any additional charges for the supply of gas (charges from the last wholesale suppliers for the period 2006-2007 and from the contribution to contain gas consumption). In the provisions which establish or modify the standard financial terms and conditions, this item is technically known as QOA.   It is not applied to customers who have signed free market contracts.


Additional charges - including changeover costs

It covers the additional costs to supply gas. In the provisions which establish or modify the standard financial terms and conditions, this item is technically known as QOA. It may not be applied to customers who have signed free market contracts.


Changeover costs

This item covers part of the costs sustained by the vendors to adjust their procurement portfolio to the new procedures to calculate the price of the raw material. It consists of two components which, in the provisions which establish or modify the standard financial terms and conditions, are technically known as GRAD and CPR. The components are temporary: the GRAD component, which serves to guarantee the new price calculation methods are introduced gradually, will be applied until 30 September 2016 and will decrease in value over time. The CPR component covers the need to pay for a mechanism to renegotiate the procurement contracts in force until 2016. It is applied only to customers served under the standard tariff.


Equalisation charges

Si tratta di addebiti, a carico di tutti gli utenti del servizio o di tutti gli utenti che fanno parte di una certa tipologia. Servono a compensare costi sostenuti nell'interesse generale del sistema, ad esempio per sostenere interventi di solidarietà in caso di calamità naturali o per le agevolazioni sociali.

Acea Corporate


A very common element in the earth's surface (40%, including minerals and water) and in the atmosphere (approximately 20%), where it appears as a diatomic, gaseous molecule (O2).  It is a colourless, odourless gas, slightly heavier than air. It is very reactive and responsible for very slow oxidation processes of the most common metals, for the relatively slow combustion in biological processes (respiration) and very rapid oxidation of hydrocarbons (combustion), even going on to explode (detonation). All solid or liquid organic compounds undergo a global ageing process at ambient temperature and degradation of the properties, for which oxidation is a crucial initial stage. Oxidation (or combustion) complete with a hydrocarbon produces carbon dioxide and water; if partial it forms carbon monoxide, a highly toxic gas.

Acea Corporate


A molecule produced in the lower strata of the atmosphere by photochemical reactions (with sunlight) of nitrous oxides with unburned hydrocarbons, which can damage the cell membrane. A natural component of the upper layers of the atmosphere, the ozone protects the earth from ultraviolet solar radiation: the reduction of that layer can harm the environment and our health.

Acea Corporate


It is divided into:

• very small solid particles found in the fumes of coal or combustible oil-fed combustion plants;  
• carbonaceous particles present in internal combustion engine exhaust, especially diesel, due to the incomplete fuel combustion.


PDR (Point of redelivery)

This code consists of 14 numbers and identifies the point of redelivery, i.e. the physical point at which the natural gas is delivered by the vendor and withdrawn by the end customer. The code does not change even though the vendor changes.


POD (Point of withdrawal)

This alphanumerical code (consisting of 14 or 15 characters) always begins with "IT" and identifies precisely the point of withdrawal, i.e. the physical point at which the energy is delivered by the vendor and withdrawn by the end customer. The code does not change even though the vendor changes.

Acea Corporate

Drinking water treatment

This is the set of treatments (clarification, filtration, disinfection and correction) to make water drinkable, i.e. to make it consumable and avoid health hazards.


Available power

This is the maximum power which can be withdrawn, above which the energy supply could stop due to the automatic "trigger" of the meter, if it has a power limiter. Otherwise, it refers to the maximum power withdrawn in the month. For customers with contractually committed power up to 30 kW without measuring the maximum power used during the month, the available power corresponds to the committed power increased by at least 10%.


Committed power capacity

This is the level of power indicated in the contracts and is made available by the vendor (technically speaking it is a contractually committed power capacity). It is set according to the customer's requirements at the time the contract is agreed and depends on the type (and number) of electrical appliances normally used. For the majority of residential buildings and, therefore, for domestic customers, the committed power is currently 3 kW. In your utility bill, the committed power capacity and the available power are expressed in kW.


Conventional superior heat power (P)

Superior heat power represents the amount of energy contained in a cubic metre of gas under standard temperature and pressure conditions. Some components applied to customers on a standard tariff are updated and published by the Authority in terms of energy (the unit of measurement is currently EUR/ Giga Joule); in order to invoice these components to the customer, they have to be transformed into components in EUR/Sm3 and the conventional superior heat power P has to be used. E.g. if the CMEM component published by the Authority takes a value of EUR 7.466763/GJ and P equals 0.038576 GJ/Sm3, the unit price invoiced to the customer for the CMEM will be: CMEM in EUR/Sm3=7.466763 EUR/GJ x 0.038576 GJ/Sm3=0.288038 EUR/Sm3. The Natural Gas Component is also adjusted with the reference superior heat power capacity, together with the component to cover risks linked to procurement (as indicated in the economic terms and conditions of each offer).  


Single hour, two-hour and multi-hour tariffs

The price of energy based on the supply contract can be divided into single hour, two-hour and multi-hour tariffs. The single hour tariff is the same throughout the day; the two-hour tariff varies according to two different time bands (F1 and F2+F3).


Unit prices

These are the prices the customer pays for each Sm3 of gas consumed, or per unit of time (days, month, year).


Unit prices

These are the prices the customer pays for each kilowatt consumed, for each kW of power or per unit of time (days, month, year).


Energy quota

It includes all the amounts to be paid in proportion to the consumption of electricity and is expressed in EUR/kWh.


Energy quota

It includes all the amounts to be paid in proportion to the consumption of natural gas and is expressed in EUR/Sm3.


Fixed quota

This quota does not depend on consumption and is paid to cover part of the fixed costs sustained by the provider to provide the service. In your utility bill it is debited in proportion to the period invoiced.


Fixed quota

This includes all the amounts to be paid regardless of consumption. The unit of measurement is generally EUR/customer/month (or EUR/PDR/month).


Fixed quota

Comprende tutti gli importi da pagare indipendentemente dai consumi. Generalmente l’unità di misura è euro/cliente/mese (o euro/POD/mese).


Fixed quota

This includes all the amounts to be paid regardless of consumption. The unit of measurement is generally EUR/customer/month (or EUR/POD/month).


Power quota

This is the amount to be paid in proportion to the committed power capacity. It is paid in EUR/kW/month. E.g. if the customer has 3 kW of committed power and the unit price is EUR 0.5500/kW/month, each month he will pay 3x0.5500=EUR 1.65.


Distributor Contact details

These are the contact details (e.g. post, e-mail, fax, telephone number) for the electrical breakdown service to report power cuts or malfunctions. They are for the electrical power supply companies responsible for any intervention.


Distributor Contact details

These are the contact details (e.g. post, e-mail, fax, telephone number) for the gas breakdown service to report breakdowns or malfunctions. They are for the natural gas supply companies responsible for any intervention.


Vendor Contact details

These are the contact details (e.g. post, e-mail, fax, telephone number) for the electricity vendor for the customer to receive information or make a claim.


Vendor Contact details

These are the contact details (e.g. post, e-mail, fax, telephone number) for the natural gas vendor for the customer to receive information or make a claim.


Reclaim on previous invoices

These are amounts referring to previous invoices which, at the time the new utility bill was issued ,appeared not to have been paid (e.g.: the balance due buy the customer for a terminated supply debited to another active supply for the same customer and referring to the same type of utility; the customer's credit compensated in the issued utility bill). It also contains the debits/credits of amounts of previous invoices, which have been reset to zero.


Reclaim on previous invoices

These are amounts referring to previous invoices which, at the time the new utility bill was issued, appeared not to have been paid (e.g.: the balance due buy the customer for a terminated supply debited to another active supply for the same customer and referring to the same type of utility; the customer's credit compensated in the issued utility bill). It also contains the debits/credits of amounts of previous invoices, which have been reset to zero.

Acea Corporate

Distribution network

The cables, pipes and plants supplying electricity, heat and water to the customer.



This indicates the utility bill contains a recalculation of consumption and payments already invoiced in previous utility bills. The recalculations can be verified if: - the effective readings and relevant effect consumption following previous utility bills based on estimated readings and relevant estimated consumption become available; - a change in the consumption e.g. due to a reconstruction of consumption as a result of a meter malfunction or an incorrect reading given to the distributor; - a change in the tariffs applied, e.g. linked to specific judgments by the Administrative Court. A recalculation can give rise to a customer's debit or credit balance.



This indicates the utility bill contains a recalculation of consumption and payments already invoiced in previous utility bills. The recalculations can be verified if: - the effective readings and relevant effect consumption following previous utility bills based on estimated readings and relevant estimated consumption become available; - a change in the consumption e.g. due to a reconstruction of consumption as a result of a meter malfunction or an incorrect reading given to the distributor; - a change in the tariffs applied, e.g. linked to specific judgments by the Administrative Court. A recalculation can give rise to a customer's debit or credit balance.

Acea Corporate


Legislative Decree No. 152/2006 (Consolidated Environmental Act) defines waste as "substances and objects belonging to certain categories and which the holder throws away or has decided or is obliged to throw away". Same Legislative Decree classifies waste, according to their origin, as urban and special waste and, according to their hazard levels, as hazardous and non-hazardous.



Some costs vary according to consumption level. Invoiced consumption is divided into rates according to the customer's average daily consumption. Some payments can actually vary according to the annual consumption. Each rate lies between a minimum and maximum level (e.g.: 0-1800 kWh; 1801-2640 kWh, etc.). If, for example, the customer's average daily consumption is 7 kWh, the average annual consumption is 7 x 365= 2555 kWh, and, therefore, the first 2 rates will be applied to the customer. More specifically, the 7 kWh of average daily consumption will be divided in the utility bill as follows:  4.93 kWh in the 1st rate (1800/365); 
2.07 kWh in the 2nd rate (755/365); where 1800 represents the range of the first rate and 755 is the part of annual consumption, which falls in the 2nd rate.



Some costs vary according to consumption level. The Sm3 invoiced in the utility bill is divided into rates according to the customer's annual consumption. Some gas payments can actually vary according to the amounts used. Each rate lies between a minimum and maximum level (e.g.:  0-120 Sm3, 121-480 Sm3, etc); a customer, who uses 400 Sm3 per year, will pay the tariff envisaged for the 1st rate for the first 120 Sm3 delivered; the tariff envisaged for the 2nd rate is applied to the remaining 280 Sm3 delivered.



A discount is a reduction in price, which can be expressed as an absolute value (EUR) or as a percentage to be discounted compared to the reference tariff. The discount can be applied to the unit price net of taxes or only on one or more of its partial components (e.g. on the component which refers to the purchase and sale costs of energy alone).



A discount is a reduction in price which can be expressed as an absolute value (EUR) or as a percentage to be discounted compared to the reference tariff. The discount can be applied to the unit price net of taxes or only on one or more of its partial components (e.g. on the component which refers to the purchase and sale costs of energy alone).


Standard service

This is the electricity supply service with economic terms and conditions established by ARERA (Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment), formerly AEEGSI (hereinafter: the Authority).  Domestic customers or small enterprises (SME)* are given a standard tariff, if they have never changed vendor or entered into a contract with the latter on the free market, or if they applied again after entering into a contract on the free market with the latter or with other vendors. The standard tariff terms and conditions are also applied to domestic customers and SMEs, who are without a vendor.

* A small enterprise or SME is understood as an enterprise with fewer than 50 employees and an annual turnover not exceeding EUR 10 million with a low voltage supply (LV).


Standard service

This is the gas supply service with economic terms and conditions established by the Authority for electricity, gas and water system (hereinafter: the Authority).  It is for domestic customers and blocks of flats with domestic use and annual consumption not exceeding 200,000 Sm3. The customer is given the Standard tariff, if he has not changed vendor after 31 December 2002, or if he has chosen the offer from among the vendor's offers under the terms and conditions established by the Authority.

Acea Corporate

Integrated Water Service

This refers to the overall public services for water captation, adduction and distribution for civil use and for sewage treatment.


Smart city

Smart city literally means intelligent city.  
A city is "smart", when it makes intelligent use of digital technologies (e.g. for transport and infrastructures) to enable information and services to be managed efficiently and effectively and to improve residents' quality of life.

Delio Svaluto Moreolo
Head of Innovation and Special Projects Unit

Smart grid

A Smart Grid is a computerised network, which makes the transmission and management of electrical energy intelligent. How does it work?  With a group of sensors located across the grid and a centralised control room, which can process and analyse a large mass of data in a very short time, the Smart Grid is able to efficiently handle an increase or decrease in the demand for electricity and monitor grid conditions. The aim is to optimise grid functions and, at the same time, enable all users to actively control their energy consumption in a regulated manner.

Liotta Stefano
Head of Engineering and Innovation Department

Sm3 (standard cubic metres)

Your meter measures the gas in cubic metres (m3). However, in your utility bill, consumption is invoiced using the standard cubic metre (Sm3), a parameter which expresses the quantity of gas consumed under standard conditions of temperature (15°C) and pressure (1,013.25 millibars, i.e. atmospheric pressure).  The Sm3 are obtained by multiplying the cubic metres by a conversion coefficient - C (see definition above under the item Corrective Coefficient (c)), set for each location according to precise criteria.


Cost to transport and manage the meter

It includes the amounts invoiced for the different activities which enable the vendors (on the free market and standard service) to deliver to the end customers the natural gas they have consumed. It corresponds to the amounts regarding the transmission/transport, distribution and measurements services (i.e. meter reading and making consumption data available). It includes the invoiced amounts for the components regarding incentives and recovering service quality and the proportional mechanisms for the aforementioned services and any "municipal fees" to cover higher charges arising from the increase in distribution fees. The amount for these activities is established by the Authority, taking into account the costs sustained for those activities. The fees in the utility bill, which also depend on the meter class, are divided for those amounts into a fixed quota and an energy quota. The latter is differentiated according to the consumption rates.


Cost to transport and manage the meter

This includes the amounts sustained to transport electricity on the national grids, for local distribution and for measurement activities, including meter management. The amount for these activities is established by the Authority, according to uniform criteria for the entire country, taking into account the costs sustained for those activities. The details for those amounts are divided into a fixed quota and an energy quota, a power quota and an energy quota.


Cost of energy

The details of this item are differentiated between an energy quota, divided into consumption rates for resident domestic customers and a fixed quota. This item includes all the amounts for the different activities to purchase electricity, dispatch and retail commercialisation by the vendor to supply electricity to the end customer. For customers on the standard tariff, who have activated an automatic debit procedure for the invoiced amounts and who are sent the utility bill electronically, the item highlights the detracted fixed quota and the discount applied for that form of issue.


Cost of energy

This includes the amounts invoiced for the vendor's various activities to supply the end customer with natural gas. For the natural gas sector it includes the items regarding wholesale procurement of the raw material and all the connected activities, the retail commercialisation (linked to customer management) and the changeover costs, made necessary to cover the costs sustained by the vendor to adjust its procurement portfolio, made necessary following the reform of natural gas price calculation procedures and to provide a special mechanism envisaged for vendors with long-term contracts, which aims to promote re-negotiation of the aforementioned long-term contracts. The details of this item are differentiated between energy quota and fixed quota. For customers on the standard tariff who have activated an automatic debit procedure for the invoiced amounts and who are sent the utility bill electronically, the item highlights the detracted fixed quota, the discount applied for that form of issue.


Costs for system charges

The details of this item are differentiated between a fixed quota, power quota and energy quota. It includes fees intended to cover the costs for activities of general interest for the electric system, paid by all end customers of the electricity service, divided into: general charges to support renewable energies and the cogeneration of CIP 6/92 plants; the remaining general charges intended to: provide incentives to produce electricity using CIP 6/92 plants supplied by non-biodegradable waste; making nuclear energy safe and territorial compensation measures; cover for tariff subsidies for the railway sector; support for system research; cover for the electricity bonus (which is, however, repaid to customers who have been granted the social water bonus); integrations of minor electricity companies and promotion of energy efficiency. Payments of the general charges to support renewable energies and the cogeneration of CIP 6/92 plants are differentiated between enterprises with high electricity consumption and the other customers, whereas the remaining general charges are paid regardless by all the customers of the electricity system, (see also the section on the summarised Utility Bill).


Costs for system charges

It includes fees intended to cover the costs for activities of general interest for the gas system paid by all end customers of the gas service. The details of this item are expressed as a fixed quota and energy quota and differentiated according to consumption rates; it includes charges to cover activities of general interest  for the gas system, which are paid of the end customers of the gas service; to cover the gas bonus (which is, however, paid only for domestic use blocks of flats); to implement energy saving projects and develop renewable sources for the gas sector and to support the construction of district heating networks; to compensate for the commercialisation costs for retail sale; for mechanisms to recover arrears for the latter services.

Acea Corporate


Stakeholders "of interest" are: «all those who can influence or are influenced by the activities of a company» shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees, institutions, the company, the community, the environment, etc. According to the stakeholder theory, the enterprise must guarantee all those of interest a minimum service (costs/services/quality), failing which the stakeholder tends to abandon the company and actually prevents its business. Furthermore, stakeholders should also be considered those who have no power to directly influence the corporate processes and profits, but who sustain the consequences of company business (e.g. the natural environment or future generations). Edward Freeman, Strategic Management: A Stakeholder approach, 1984.


Supply voltage

Customers entitled to standard terms and conditions are connected to the Low Voltage grid and have a normal supply voltage of 220 Volt (single phase) or 380 Volt (three phase). The majority of domestic supplies are 220 Volt.


Waste to energy

Circular economy management of the waste cycle, i.e. the re-use of the waste produced, contains a non-recyclable part. This is where the waste-to-energy plants come into their own with a waste transformation process providing energy. A furnace produces extremely hot steam, which can be used to produce electricity or for industrial use (processes requiring steam) or civil use (district heating for buildings).

Piccini Giuseppe
Manager of Terni waste-to-energy plant

The term remote control

The term remote control refers to the group of devices used to control a system from a distance regardless of its type: water, electrical, for waste treatment or public lighting. Our operators use remote control to monitor and extensively manage the system status in real time and have a simultaneous overall view of operations.

Marco Rossi

District heating

District heating is a "green" technological process, which allows heat to be transferred from a power plant to a series of surrounding buildings, by using thermal energy, recovered from the process of generating electricity. District heating plants consist of three elements: the power plant, which provides the thermal energy, the grid, which enables energy to be transferred and the utilities, which absorb the thermal energy to heat and produce hot water.

Alberto Bernardini
Coordinator of the Service Quality Unit and contact person for District Heating Invoicing and Credit.
Acea Corporate

Consolidated Environmental Act

Approved with Legislative Decree No. 152 in 2006. With its 318 Articles and 45 Annexes, the Legislative Decree replaces the framework legislation in force on the subject of waste and the reclamation of polluted sites, ground protection and the fight against desertification, the protection of water against pollution and the management of water resources, air protection and the reduction of emissions into the atmosphere, and of compensation measures for damage to the environment.


Type of meter

Identifica la tipologia di contatore installato nel punto di prelievo (POD). Si distinguono contatori elettronici gestiti per fasce (EF), gestiti monorari (EM), gestiti orari (EO) e contatori tradizionali (T). La voce tipologia di contatore è presente in bolletta solo nel caso in cui il distributore abbia comunicato tale informazione al fornitore.


Type of meter

It indicates the specifications of the meter installed at the point of redelivery (PDR).  They can be either traditional (T) or electronic (E) meters. The type of meter is found in the utility bill only if the distributor has notified the supplier of this information.


Type of use

For domestic customer use alone, the utility bill must also show the type of use of the gas supplied, e.g. only to cook food and/or to produce hot water or for heating (individual or centralised) and cooking food and/or for producing hot water. It is important to distinguish between them in order to calculate the amount of the gas Bonus.


Type of use: other uses (+ specification: e.g. industrial, handcraft, agricultural, etc.)

This means the supply is for different uses other than domestic. Each type of use corresponds to a specific tariff.


Type of use: domestic uses (+ specification: e.g. resident / non-resident)

This means the supply is for domestic uses, not for a block of flats. Each type of use corresponds to a specific tariff.


Total taxes and VAT

This includes the items regarding excise duty on consumption and the value added tax (VAT). The utility bill shows not only the summarised item regarding the total due for taxes and excise duty, but also a detailed box highlighting the following: - the amount of kWh for excise duty, to which individual rates are applied - for VAT the taxable base amount/s and the applied rate/s.


Total taxes and VAT

This includes the items regarding excise duty on consumption and the value added tax (VAT). The utility bill shows not only the summarised item regarding the total due for taxes and excise duty, but also a detailed box highlighting the following:  - the amount of Sm3 for excise duty, to which individual rates are applied - for VAT the taxable base amount/s and the applied rate/s.


Energy transition

Energy transition is the process of change towards a low-carbon, sustainable economy and an ever increasing use of electricity, thanks also to the continual rise in the use of renewable energy sources. Global energy transition wishes to respond to the great challenge of climate change by gradually reducing CO2 emissions in the atmosphere.

Lamoglie Carmine
Production Engineering and Energy Management
Acea Corporate

Primary treatment (of waste water)

It enables most of the suspended, solid sediment to be removed for mechanical decantation in the sedimentation tanks, with or without chemical substances (flocculants).

Acea Corporate

Secondary treatment

This is a process of biological oxidation using aerobic bacteria of the biodegradable, organic substance, suspended and dissolved in the waste water.

Acea Corporate

Tertiary treatment

micro-organisms, nutritional salts, organic substances by the nitrification-dentrification, precipitation of the phosphorous, chlorination and other chemical-physical treatments.


Different uses

A customer, a natural or legal person, who uses the gas for uses other than those mentioned in the three preceding points.


Use by block of flats

This means the supply is provided with a single meter, which distributes water to more than one property unit even with different intended uses. The contract holder is usually the syndic of co-owners or whoever is responsible.


Public service use

A utility which uses gas to supply a public or private structure, which carries out a business acknowledged as assistance, including hospitals, care and rest homes, prisons and schools.

Acea Corporate

Strategic environmental evaluation (VAS)

The procedure for Strategic Environmental Evaluation was introduced by the Community Directive 2001/42/EC and constitutes an important tool to integrate environmental comments in the preparation and adoption of plans and programmes. The objective is to guarantee a high level of protection for the environment during the preparation and adoption of plans and programmes, which may have significant effects on the environment in order to promote sustainable development.


Volt (v)

The unit of measurement for electrical voltage. The voltage available in domestic sockets is 220 volt.