Our Water Meters Verification Unit operates as a type C inspection body, accredited under UNI CEI ISO/IEC 17020, and is listed in the National Registry of the Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce (Unioncamere). It carries out the metrological verification of water meters to ensure the quality of the measurement of the delivered volume.
We assist operators in verifying compliance with UNI EN ISO 4064 standards during the acceptance phase and in meeting the requirements for periodic verification of water meters with capacities up to 40 m3/h, as specified by Ministerial Decree 93/2017.
The measuring process is automated, using gravimetric determination (weighing) of the water volume that transits through the test circuit, and the constant monitoring of flow and relevant physical variables (temperature, pressure, humidity). This allows us to determine:
The Water Meters Verification Unit provides a modern test bench for water meters, compliant with EU Directives 2004/22/EC and 2021/32/EU (MID) and UNI EN ISO 4064 (OIML R49), with the following technical specifications:
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