New Peschiera Aqueduct
As part of the Framework Agreement between Acea Infrastructure and the Gastroenterology Division of the Department of Translational Medicine of La Sapienza University, a joint research project was launched. This activity aims to develop advanced and sustainable methodologies for the treatment of biological fluids.
The project aims to optimise the subsequent analytical phases and develop advanced procedures to improve the ability to investigate complex biological matrices. These developments target a wide range of chemicals potentially toxic to humans, including emerging organic micropollutants such as PFAS (PerFluorinated Alkylated Substances) and PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons).
Project details
The project focuses on:
Research has already produced interesting results that highlight how some classes of potentially toxic substances tend to accumulate in specific target organs.
Scientific partner: Department of Translational Medicine of La Sapienza University (Rome)
Service performed: Analytical activity
Key numbers:
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