Construction of the Belvedere water tank

Description and objectives

The intervention focuses on the construction of a new water tank in reinforced concrete with a capacity of 2,000 m³, located in the Belvedere area, Municipality of Fiano Romano. The project also includes the related connection and discharge pipes.

Project details:

Civil works

  • Tank
    • Construction of a reinforced concrete tank with all the necessary structures.
    • Installation of electromechanical, electrical and video surveillance systems.
  • External Arrangements
    • Construction of an access ramp, fences and green spaces around the tank.
  • Discharge siphon
    • Construction of a DN400 cast iron pipe for the outflow of water into the ditch and bank protection works.

Network-related works:

  • Power supply pipes
    • Construction of a DN400 cast iron supply pipe, including the line structures, from the manoeuvring chamber.
    • Construction of a DN300 cast iron supply pipe with the related line structures.
  • Supply pipelines:
    • Construction of a DN300 cast iron supply pipe, up to the joint outside the manoeuvring chamber.
    • Connection of the new pipelines to the existing network and testing of the networks.

The project solves several critical issues that emerged from the studies conducted by Acea Infrastructure, including the considerable variations in network altitude, a high degree of leakage and the insufficient compensation capacity of existing tanks.

The tank is supplied by the Capodimonte tank via a DN300 cast iron pipe (L= 2,157 m). The pipeline initially follows the provincial road 19/a – Via Civitellese for about 500 m, then continues for about 900 m along the West beltway "S.P. Tiberina – S.P. Civitellese".

The connection to the distribution network takes place through a DN400 cast iron pipe (L= 603 m). In addition, a new DN300 cast iron pipe (L= 1,133 m) was built to feed the areas to the northeast of the historic centre and around Via Tiberina.

A DN400 duct (L= 310 m) was made of spheroidal cast iron for the delivery of overflow and emptying water to the Fosso dei Ponticelli.

The tank consists of two rectangular basins with internal dimensions of 12.90 x 21.00 m each. The manoeuvring chamber has dimensions of 4.50 x 30.80 m.

Details and key numbers of the service

Service performed:

  • Engineering services during the execution of works (Works Management).
  • Procurement of services and supplies, and the coordination of all the work necessary to provide the Customer with the finished work in a state-of-the-art manner.

Key numbers:

  • Service execution quota: 100% Acea Infrastructure SpA
  • Amount of works: €10,341,580 (of which €427,720 are for security costs)
  • Number of tanks: 2
  • Total capacity: 2,000 m3
  • Pipelines approx. 3.9 km
  • Residents in the district served by the project: 7,590 - with the expected demographic increase (time horizon 30-40 years), we will reach 15,280 inhabitants (project value).
  • Quotas: maximum water head 131.00 m above sea level and bottom at 127.00 m above sea level (maximum water head equal to 4 m)

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